Page 110 - SAMENA Trends - Jan-Mar 2024
P. 110


        Polish Telco Operators Want 26 GHz Band to Be Allocated For 5G No Earlier

        Than in 2026

        Polish  operators want the  26  GHz  band   launch of services. "The  services will  be   earmarked  for  5G  in  the  3400-3800  MHz
        to be allocated for 5G networks no earlier   implemented through single base stations   band. Blocks of 100 MHz each were won
        than  in  2026,  Poland's  watchdog for   and  at  a  later  stage  as  clusters  of cells,"   by A (3400-3500 MHz) - Polkomtel for PLN
        telecommunications and  postal  markets,   UKE stated.  The  consultation  suggests   450 million (EUR 104.4 mln), B (3500-3600
        Office  of  Electronic  Communications   that the entire available resource should be   MHz)  -  P4  for PLN  487.095  million  (EUR
        (UKE), said in a Tuesday's release following   distributed  without  combining  distribution   113.1  mln), C (3600-3700  MHz)  - Orange
        a consultation. According to the telcos, it   with  other  bands.  Operators  also  called   for PLN  487.095  million  (EUR  113.1  mln)
        is too early to allocate this band because   for the  700  MHz  band  to be  distributed   and  D  (3700-3800  MHz)  -  T-Mobile  for
        there  are  still  major constraints  on  the   as  soon as  possible.  UKE in  October   PLN 496.837 million (EUR 115.3 mln).
        availability of equipment for the commercial   2023  settled  the  auction of frequencies

        GSMA Presses for European Reform

        The  GSMA  argued  critical  reform of   EU politicians  to “embrace a new digital   argued an  overhaul  is  required  to deliver
        European  laws  are  necessary  to position   infrastructure framework” which promotes   universal 5G coverage in Europe by 2030,
        the region as a technology frontrunner by   financial input and market harmony. Laszlo   highlighting  the  achievements  of mobile
        2030,  a rank  it  argued had been lost  due   Toth, head of Europe and CIS at the industry   sector initiatives covering factories, farming
        to various barriers to digitalization.  In  a   association, said “urgent action to secure   and  city  management  in  terms  of  fueling
        manifesto released on 20 March 2024, the   the  continent’s  digital  future  has  never   “economic growth”  and  sustainability.  It
        GSMA asserted barriers to the growth and   been more imperative”, as the region faces   recommended EU politicians  take  action
        competitiveness  of  the  telecoms  sector   “significant  geopolitical,  economic  and   around spectrum costs  and  availability,
        in the European Union (EU) have hindered   societal shifts”. “This manifesto represents   levelling  the  regulatory  playing  field  and
        the  progress  of the  digital  economy.  It   a commitment to partnership and progress,   “updating historically based rules to reflect
        highlighted  a need to address  “systemic   laying the groundwork for Europe to reclaim   current realities”.
        challenges” around market fragmentation,   its  position  as  a  global  leader  in  digital
        regulation  and  investment,  and  called  on   technology  and  innovation”.  The  GSMA

        FCC Issues Satellite-to-Mobile Service Framework

        The   US    Federal  Communications  allocated  to wireless  services, provided   service calls to a public safety answering
        Commission  (FCC)  adopted  final  rules  to   they satisfy certain licensing prerequisites,   point  by using either  location-based
        create a regulatory framework for satellite-  including  having a spectrum lease  from   routing or  a specialist  call center. Along
        to-mobile services, part of a plan to extend   a  terrestrial  licensee  within  a  specified   with  the  SCS, the  FCC  also  adopted  a
        the  reach of wireless  networks to remote   geographic  area”.  Once  authorized,  proposal to seek comment on public safety
        areas.  Its  supplemental  coverage from   satellite  service  providers  could  connect   issues  and sought comment  on issues
        space  (SCS)  framework is  designed  to   wireless  operators’  customers outside   associated  with  the  protection  of  radio
        enable  partnerships  between  wireless   typical coverage areas. FCC chair Jessica   astronomy  services.  There are numerous
        operators and satellite service providers to   Rosenworcel stated  the  rules are part  of   satellite-to-phone  services  in  various
        deliver coverage in areas without terrestrial   the  FCC’s  “single  network  future”  vision.   stages  of development  from companies
        mobile connections.  The  FCC  stated  the   “The  opportunities  are  vast,”  she  noted.   including  Lynk  Global, AST SpaceMobile
        framework is “the first step in establishing   “In  this  decision,  we  bring  satellite  and   and  Starlink.  Charles  Miller, co-founder
        clear and transparent processes to support   wireless  communications  together. We   and  CEO  of Lynk  Global,  applauded  the
        these services”. It enables satellite service   do this  because  their  convergence  can   FCC’s  rules, telling  Mobile  World Live the
        providers  operators collaborating  with   accomplish more than either network can   “technology  has  the  potential  to help  pull
        terrestrial  operators to seek  authorization   do on  its  own.” The  rules  also  include  an   the  next billion  people  out of poverty  by
        to operate  space stations  “on  certain   interim  requirement  for terrestrial  service   extending  affordable  access  to  mobile
        licensed,  flexible-use  spectrum  currently   providers  to  route  all  SCS emergency   connectivity around the globe”.

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