Page 112 - SAMENA Trends - Jan-Mar 2024
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        Early Warning System in Coastal Areas Complete: TRA Oman

        Telecommunications        Regulatory  A key focus for  TRA  is  augmentation  of   Omanization  rate  of  94%.  Additionally,
        Authority  (TRA)  of Oman  has  announced   Oman’s  telecom  infrastructure  through   the  number of postal  companies saw
        the   successful  implementation  of  the  expansion  of  5G  networks  and  fiber   a  31%  growth,  with  total  revenues  of
        an  early  warning  system  in  coastal   optic connectivity, alongside  expediting   licensed postal firms touching RO20.7mn,
        regions  in  a collaborative effort with   the shift from traditional copper networks   up  14%  from  2022.  Looking  ahead,  TRA
        Civil  Aviation  Authority  and  service   to more advanced technologies.  Such   aims  to  enhance  telecommunications
        operators. Additionally,  TRA  has  granted   advancements  are  geared  towards  services across various sectors, including
        Starlink Muscat a Class 1 license to offer   fostering  sustainable  growth within  the   education, healthcare, tourism,  industry
        telecommunications services via satellite   sector while  maintaining  affordability   and  transportation,  while  underscoring
        systems,  marking  a  significant  stride  in   for consumers.  According  to Ismaili,   its  commitment  to  environmental
        enhancing  connectivity and emergency   telecommunications  companies  are at   sustainability,  innovation  and  scientific
        response  capabilities.  At  TRA’s  annual   the  forefront  of  artificial  intelligence  (AI)   research. “The  transition  from  3G  to 4G
        media  brief  on  Tuesday,  Omar  Hamdan   and  laying  down  essential  infrastructure.   and 5G services, along with the allocation
        al  Ismaili,  CEO,  unveiled  the  authority’s   Efforts  are  being  concentrated  on  of new frequency bands to operators, is set
        ambitious agenda for 2024, which includes   establishing  robust data  centres  that   to revolutionise communication services in
        conducting  29  field  surveys  across   facilitate  high-speed  data  processing,   Oman.” TRA data indicates a positive trend
        several wilayats to evaluate the quality of   crucial for AI services and the exploration   in the communications sector in 2023, with
        telecommunications services available   of new  technologies.  He  highlighted   mobile phone subscriptions  increasing
        to  consumers.  “This  initiative  reflects   the  sector’s  financial  health,  noting  a   3%, mobile broadband 5%, fixed telephone
        TRA’s commitment  to elevating service   12%  revenue  increase  in  2023,  reaching   services  3%,  and  fixed  broadband  5%,
        standards  and  ensuring  easy  access  to   RO851mn.  The  sector’s  workforce  indicating  a continued  upward trajectory
        advanced  telecommunications,”  he  said.   comprised 4,167  employees,  boasting   in Oman’s telecommunications landscape.

        EC Hits Apple, Alphabet, Meta with DMA Probes

                                                                                 vertical  search services” over similar
                                                                                 rival  offerings,  with  Google Shopping  and
                                                                                 Google Flights  cited  as  examples.  The
                                                                                 probe  will  also  study  Apple’s  “design  of
                                                                                 the web browser choice screen”, as Safari
                                                                                 was set as the default browser app on its
                                                                                 devices.  Under the  proceedings,  the  EC
                                                                                 said it will investigate whether the iPhone-
                                                                                 maker complies with its DMA obligations,
                                                                                 including to enable users to “easily change
                                                                                 default settings” or uninstall any software
                                                                                 apps  on iOS,  as  well  as  allow customers
                                                                                 to  choose  alternative  default  services.  It
                                                                                 will also investigate Apple’s new app store
                                                                                 practices. For Meta Platforms, the EC will
                                                                                 look into the company’s recently introduced
                                                                                 “pay or  consent”  model, which requires
                                                                                 users  to subscribe  to ad-free  versions  of
        The  European  Commission  (EC)  opened   online marketplaces designed to deter app   its  social media platforms or consent  to
        investigations  into Apple, Alphabet  and   developers from freely promoting services   having  their  data  tracked.  Speaking  at  a
        Meta Platforms over alleged unfair market   outside  their  ecosystem, on top of “self-  press  conference  announcing  the  probes,
        practices,  outlining  concerns the  three   preferencing”  methods  deployed  by  the   Margrethe  Vestager, EVP in  charge  of
        technology giants fell short of conforming   companies to favor  their  own offerings.   digital policy at the EC described the cases
        with  its  Digital  Markets  Act (DMA). In  a   The  authorities said  its  investigation   as serious and were “emblematic of what
        statement,  the  EC explained  the  probes   against  Alphabet  will  determine  whether   the  DMA is  supposed  to deliver  when  it
        will  target  anti-steering  rules  imposed  by   Google search results  “may lead  to self-  comes to choose for consumers”.
        Apple  and  Alphabet  on their  respective   preferencing  in  relation  to  Google’s

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