Page 117 - SAMENA Trends - Jan-Mar 2024
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        Malaysia Gears Up for Second 5G player as DNB Hits Coverage Target

        Malaysia’s wholesale 5G network operator   second 5G operator, the report said. “The   last  month, DNB’s  operator stakeholders
        Digital Nasional Bhd (DNB) now covers just   government will not take long to consider   will  be  able  to  decide  among themselves
        over 80% of populated areas, clearing the   and make an announcement of a shift from   who stays in  DNB  and who moves  over
        final criteria for the creation of a second 5G   single to dual 5G network coverage. After   to the  second 5G  operator, although
        operator. According to the Bernama news   that,  the  dual  5G  [network coverage]  can   MCMC  has  the  final  say.  In  related  news,
        agency, Communications  Minister Fahmi   be implemented if the terms agreed by the   Bernama also reported Wednesday that the
        Fadzil said on Wednesday that 5G network   task force are achieved,” Fahmi was quoted   Malaysian  government  decided  to place
        coverage  in  Malaysia  reached  80.2%  in   as saying. Last month, according to media   DNB  under the  purview of the  Ministry of
        populated areas as of December 31. Last   reports,  Fahmi Fadzil  said  the  second 5G   Digital.  This  follows last  month’s  cabinet
        year, the government began making plans to   operator will  be  strictly  commercial, with   reshuffle  that  saw,  among  other  changes,
        transition from the current Single Wholesale   no government  ownership.  The Ministry   the  Ministry of Communications  and
        Network (SWN) 5G model to a Dual     of  Finance  (MOF)  holds  a  30%  stake  in   Digital  split  into  separate  entities.  Prime
        Network (DN) model. As part of that plan,   DNB,  while  the  rest  is  split  between  the   Minister  Anwar  Ibrahim  said  at  the  time
        the government had said it would wait until   country’s five operators: Telekom Malaysia,   that the digital sector in Malaysia needs a
        DNB’s 5G network covers 80% of populated   Maxis, U Mobile, YTL and CelcomDigi (via   dedicated  ministry,  partly  because  digital
        areas.  Fahmi  said  now that  the coverage   Infranation). Once the second 5G operator   transformation is a major plank of the unity
        target has been achieved, the Special Task   is officially greenlighted, the MOF has the   government, but also  because  the  digital
        Force on 5G  will  meet  on Friday to work   option  to exit  DNB.  Under the  terms of   sector itself is rapidly evolving.
        out the specific roadmap for setting up the   share  subscription  agreements  signed

        Wi-Fi Alliance Begins Wi-Fi 7 Certification

                                             2028. Early adopters include smartphones,   testbed for certification. This ensures that
                                             PCs, tablets,  and access points,  with   Wi-Fi  CERTIFIED  7  devices meet the
                                             customer premises equipment and AR/VR   highest  standards.  Kevin  Robinson,
                                             equipment gaining traction.         President and CEO of Wi-Fi Alliance, said:
                                             Key features include:               “This   certification   underscores   our
                                             •   320  MHz  channels,  enabling  ultra-wide   relentless  commitment  to  delivering
                                               channels for multigigabit speeds  cutting-edge technology that redefines the
                                             •   Multi-Link  Operation  (MLO),  facilitating   way  users  experience  Wi-Fi.”  As  the  Wi-Fi
                                               simultaneous  data  transmission  and   7  ecosystem expands,  companies  like
        The  Wi-Fi  Alliance  has  begun the   reception over multiple links     Airties,  Boingo,  Broadcom,  RUCKUS
        certification  process  for  Wi-Fi  7,  ushering   •   4K QAM, achieving 20  percent  higher   Networks, Intel, MaxLinear, MediaTek, and
        in a new era of wireless connectivity. Wi-Fi   transmission rates than its predecessor  Qualcomm  are  at  the  forefront, actively
        CERTIFIED  7  provides  confidence  to  end-  •   512  Compressed  block-ack, improving   participating  in  the  certification  process.
        users  they’ll  benefit  from  new  features   efficiency and reducing overhead  Metin Taskin, Co-CEO of Airties, highlighted
        designed  to enhance  performance  and   •   Multiple RUs to a single STA, enhancing   the  potential  of Wi-Fi  7  to  support
        connectivity across various environments.   spectrum  efficiency  through  improved   broadband  service providers’  plans  and
        The  latest  iteration  of Wi-Fi  promises   spectrum resource scheduling flexibility  improve overall  user experience:  “Wi-Fi  7
        significant  advancements,  catering  to   •   Triggered Uplink Access to accommodate   provides  unprecedented  capacity  and
        emerging technologies such as multi-user   latency-sensitive streams     spectrum  efficiency  to  support  far  more
        augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR),   •   Emergency   Preparedness   connections  and immersive applications.
        and extended reality (XR). The certification,   Communication  Services  (EPCS)  “By embracing smart Wi-Fi software that is
        a  result  of  extensive  collaboration  for  seamless  emergency  service  truly  standards-based,  open-source, and
        within  Wi-Fi  Alliance,  ensures  global   experiences                  hardware-agnostic,  ISPs  can  gain
        interoperability  and  a  robust  device   Wi-Fi  7’s  introduction has  garnered   maximum  flexibility  and  control  over
        ecosystem. Wi-Fi  7  is  poised for  rapid   support  from industry leaders, with   subscribers’ home broadband experience.”
        adoption, with  over 233  million  devices   companies  like  Broadcom,  CommScope,
        expected to hit the market in 2024 and a   RUCKUS  Networks,  Intel,  MaxLinear,
        staggering 2.1 billion devices projected by   MediaTek,  and  Qualcomm forming  the

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