Page 119 - SAMENA Trends - Jan-Mar 2024
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        She  added  that  the  upcoming study  reinforces  the  community   needs. Fatema Mohamad Al Doseri, Derasat Director of Opinion
        partnership  and  cooperation  between  the  iGA  and  various   Polls  &  Surveys, said  that  Derasat’s  participation  in  this  study
        academic  and national  organizations  involved in  such research,   underlines its role in supporting decision makers with precise and
        and that they are crucial for maintaining impartiality. The director   up-to-date  information.  "It  offers  statistical  support  for eService
        expressed  iGA’s  pride  in  its  collaboration  with  'Derasat',  which   providers, in line with the major advancements that the Kingdom
        is expected to enhance the quality of eChannels in the Kingdom   is  experiencing  and  its  comprehensive  digital  transformation."
        of Bahrain,  meeting  the  government's  aspirations  and  users'   (January 10, 2024)


        Bangladesh will gear up its broadband speed to 10 GBPS by 2041   end of December, data show. (February 13, 2024)
        from existing 10 Mbps to meet the growing demand for high-speed
        connectivity amid the  country’s rapid digital  transformation.   The  telecom regulator issued  guidelines  on  the  usage  of  radio
        Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC)   frequencies,  apparatus  and  equipment  by Internet  Service
        is  formulating  a  National  Broadband  Policy-2021,  incorporating   Providers (ISPs). The Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory
        20 Mbps as minimum internet speed from the existing 10Mbps,   Commission (BTRC) said the instructions were issued to streamline,
        officials said. Being instructed, the BTRC is working  to  upgrade   restructure, and bring an order the frequency allocation process
        the  broadband  policy by setting  a  target  to increase  the  speed   under the ISP license and make the overall process transparent.
        of broadband  connectivity  to 30  Mbps  by 2023  (short  term), 2   The ISPs have been providing wireless internet services through
        Gbps by 2031 (midterm) and 10 Gbps by 2041 (long-term). Later,   the  allocated  ISM  (Industrial,  Scientific  and  Medical)  band.
        the government formulated a policy in 2011 fixing the speed to   Various important organizations (banks, embassies, international
        512kbps, 1 Mbps in 2013, 2 Mbps in 2015, 5 Mbps in 2016, 10 Mbps   organizations, industrial plants, etc.) require wireless connectivity
        in 2018 and 20 Mbps in 2021. In framing the policy, the BTRC took   as  an  alternative to the  wired core connection used  for  data
        initiatives  including  forming national  taskforce  committee  and   communication, which is provided by wireless ISPs. The ISM radio
        determining  the  scope of work, holding  coordination  meetings   bands are frequencies reserved internationally for the use of radio
        with  A4AI and  a2i  and  other stakeholders,  forming  a team to   frequency (RF) energy for industrial, scientific and medical uses
        review the  draft  policy, preparing  a  sector-wise  short  outline,   other than telecommunications. BTRC said the instruction would
        organizing seminars to collect inputs and setting short, mid and   provide  a clear understanding  among ISP operators about the
        long-term targets. (March 15, 2024)  requirement  of authorization  and  related  application  processes
                                                               for  the  use of frequencies.  The  BTRC  instruction  states  that
        Nearly seven  million  new internet  users  were  added  in  2023  in   ISPs can get allocations of ISM Band (2.4000 -2.4835 GHz and
        Bangladesh,  bringing  the  total  number of subscribers to 131   5.7255.875 GHz), 5 GHz Band (4.900 -5.725 GHz) and Microwave.
        million  by  the  year's  end,  according  to  data  recently  released   The directions said that ISPs should be subject to prior approval of
        by  the  country's  telecom  regulator.  Data  from the  Bangladesh   BTRC or should import through BTRC-listed vendor organizations
        Telecommunication Regulatory Commission  showed  the  user   as  per prevailing norms, if  any  type  of wireless  equipment  is
        base  includes  some 118.49  million  mobile  internet  users  and   required  to be  imported.  "In  cases  of purchase  from the  local
        12.88  million  broadband internet  users.  Last  year witnessed  an   market instead of import, the concerned ISPs should comply with
        increase of 10.61 million mobile users, bringing the total number   the guidelines, and the BTRC would notify details of the equipment
        of mobile users in the country to 190.81 million. Subscribers of   as per Annexure-Kha," it said. All ISPs who have previously been
        mobile operators GrameenPhone, Robi Axiata, Banglalink Digital   listed  in  the  ISM  band  or have  received  permission  to use  the
        Communications, and Teletalk Bangladesh stood at 82.20 million,   frequencies in the ISM band should re-apply for the same in light
        58.67 million, 43.48 million, and 6.46 million, respectively, at the   of the issuance of this directive. (January 11, 2024)


        The  number of mobile subscriptions  in  Egypt increased  by 6.1   ICT Indicators Quarterly Bulletin for Q4 of 2023 showed an increase
        million in 2023 compared with 2022, to 106.2 million, according   in mobile subscriptions from 99.38 million in December 2022 to
        to the  Egyptian  Ministry of Communications and  Information   106.21 million subscriptions in December 2023. The bulletin also
        Technology in its quarterly report issued in March. The ministry’s   showed that Egyptian mobile internet users – including voice and

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