Page 108 - SAMENA Trends - Jan-Mar 2024
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        Qatar Achieves Third Highest Score Globally in ICT Development Index 2023

        The  State  of Qatar  achieved  the  third-
        highest  score  globally  in  the  Information
        and  Communication  Technology (ICT)
        Development Index (IDI) for 2023, released
        by  the  International  Telecommunication
        Union (ITU) in  late  December 2023.  The
        ITU IDI 2023 covers 169 economies and is
        a  comprehensive  assessment  of internet
        connectivity  among  them,  reflecting  their
        digital  development.  It  consists  of 10
        indicators, divided  into two main  pillars:
        Universal  Connectivity  and  Meaningful
        Connectivity,  measuring  respectively  how
        many are connected to telecommunication
        services and the quality of the connectivity.
        These indicators are evaluated on a scale
        from 0 to 100 points, where a total score of
        100 points indicates that an 'ideal state' of
        connectivity has been achieved. According
        to  the  ITU  IDI  2023,  the  State  of Qatar
        secured the third position with a total score
        of 97.3, slightly behind the State of Kuwait,
        which topped the score with a total score
        of 98.2. The Republic of Singapore secured
        the  second  position  with  a  total  score  of
        97.4.  President  of the  Communications
        Regulatory Authority (CRA)  Eng. Ahmad   field of telecommunications, ensuring that   one  of the  best  in  the  world, contributing
        Abdulla AlMuslemani reflected on the ITU   consumers have  access  to  high-quality   significantly  to  its  high  score.  The  report
        IDI 2023 results, stating, "Our outstanding   telecom services, while constantly pursuing   states that 100% of the population in Qatar
        score  in  the  ITU Index  highlights  our   innovative solutions." He added, "Qatar's   are covered by at least a 3G mobile network
        dedicated  efforts  at  CRA,  in  partnership   top score highlights the strong correlation   and  99.8%  are  covered  by  at  least  a  4G/
        with  the  Ministry of Communications   between digital development and economic   LTE mobile network. Moreover, the  report
        and  Information  Technology and  the   growth.  This  achievement  seamlessly   highlights that 99.6% of individuals in Qatar
        telecom Service Providers, towards the   aligns  with  Qatar  National  Vision  2030   own a mobile phone. Individuals using the
        development  of  the  ICT  sector.  This   and one of its goals, to diversify the Qatari   internet in Qatar stand at 99.7%, with 95%
        performance  demonstrates  our  steadfast   economy and secure a stable, sustainable   of households  having  internet  access  at
        commitment to  enhance  the  stature  of   business  environment."  Qatar’s  advanced   home.
        the State of Qatar as a frontrunner in the   network technology is  recognized  as

        FCC Adopts Rules to Improve Routing of Emergency Calls, Texts

        The Federal Communications Commission   the communication, but in some instances   be routed based on the actual location of
        (FCC)  approved rules to precisely  route   the nearest tower may be in a neighboring   the call instead of that of the mobile tower
        wireless  emergency phone calls and real-  area instead  of the  caller’s location.  The   which typically handles it. The FCC stated
        time  texts,  a move  which now requires   FCC noted in such cases, calls need to be   the  end  result  is  millions  more  wireless
        mobile operators and cable MVNOs     redirected to the correct center, which can   callers  will  connect  with  emergency
        to implement  location-based routing   delay response times and waste resources   responders without the need for transfers
        nationwide  to  connect  to  emergency  call   during emergencies. Under the new rules,   or delays.    Chair  Jessica  Rosenworcel
        centers.  In a statement,  the  US regulator   all wireless service provides are required to   said  some  of the  largest  operators  in  the
        explained  wireless  emergency  calls  on   use location-based routing nationwide for   US started  using  location-based  routing
        IP-based  networks have historically been   wireless calls and real-time messaging to   technology in their networks “so we know
        routed to emergency call centers based on   the call centers. With this approach, the FCC   it works”. “Now we look forward to having it
        the location of the mobile tower handling   argued emergency voice calls and texts will   work everywhere,” she noted.

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