Page 23 - SAMENA Trends - Gitex Special 2023
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        universal  and  affordable  broadband  and supply are shifting  despite gains
        access, coupled with investments in digital   in connectivity.  Those  trends  may  not
        skills,  and  the  elements  that  truly  define   be strong enough to  guarantee that  the
        meaningful connectivity, such as inclusive   objective  of  universal  and meaningful
        and localized digital  content,  accessible   connectivity will be met by 2030.
        hardware, cybersecurity  measures, and
        policies  that  ensure digital inclusion  for   The  report  offers  five  considerations  for
        all," said Hon. Paula Ingabire, Rwanda's   how future efforts on  connectivity for
        Minister of Information  Communication   digital transformation should be financed
        Technology  and Innovation representing   and funded:
        Rwandan    President  Paul  Kagame,  •   defining measurable goals;
        Co-Chair  of  the  Commission.  The  •   addressing barriers to Internet use where
        Commission's  meeting  comes amid  the   coverage is available;
        recent  ITU  announcement  that  2.6  billion   •   broadening  the  contributor  base
        people  across the  world still lack access   and implementing  creative funding
        to the Internet in 2023. The reduction from   approaches;
        the estimated 2.7 billion people offline in   •   aligning  and incentivizing  funding
        2022 leaves about one-third of the global   contributors;
        population  unconnected.  This year's   •   building  sustainable  network
        Annual Meeting  also  took  place ahead   infrastructure policies.       of digital  transformation to everyone,  the
        of SDG Digital, an event convened by the   "Rapid technological advancements hold   Broadband  Commission puts broadband
        International  Telecommunication  Union   transformative potential that, together with   connectivity  at  the forefront of global
        (ITU) and United Nations Development   a renewed global solidarity and international   policy discussions. A Working Group on
        Program (UNDP)  to  highlight  how  digital   cooperation, will play an essential role to   Data for Learning, chaired by UNESCO, and
        solutions  can support  the UN's  2030   attain the international development goals,"   one on Connectivity for MSMEs, chaired by
        Agenda  for Sustainable  Development.   said Dr. Tawfik Jelassi, Assistant Director-  ITC and the GSMA, presented findings and
        "Tech is  racing  ahead and billions of   General  for  Communication  and  recommendations  of  their  final  reports
        people  are being  left  behind,”  said  ITU   Information, UNESCO.  “The Broadband   during  the Annual Meeting. Over 50
        Secretary-General Doreen Bogdan-Martin,   Commission  and  UNESCO  remain  Commissioners  and  representatives
        a Co-Vice Chair of the Commission. “Our   committed to fostering this crucial multi-  attended  the Broadband  Commission
        task is to invest in affordable broadband,   stakeholder  dialogue and  producing   meeting. This included government leaders,
        digital  skills,  and everything that  makes   strategic foresight that  will  help us set   as  well  as  heads of  international
        connectivity meaningful."  At the meeting,   international standards and lead the way in   organizations, private  sector  companies,
        the Broadband Commission  launched   leveraging  ICTs for sustainable digital   civil society and academia. Special guests
        “State of Broadband  Report: 2023    transformation."  The    Broadband  attending this  year's  Annual  Meeting
        Digital Connectivity  – A Transformative   Commission  develops   policy  included:  Mondli Gungubele,  Minister of
        Opportunity."  The latest  edition  of  the   recommendations and thought leadership   Communications and Digital Technologies
        annual report reviews the progress of seven   focused  on  the  use  of broadband   of South  Africa;  Jessica Rosenworcel,
        Global Advocacy Targets and highlights   connectivity to accelerate progress toward   Chairwoman  of  the  U.S.  Federal
        the opportunities that would come  from   achieving  the  UN's 2030 Agenda  for   Communications Commission; and Kyoung
        broadband  that is universally available,   Sustainable Development  and  universal   Yul Bae, President,  Korea Information
        equitable and affordable. This year's report   and meaningful connectivity.  To mobilize   Society Development Institute (KISDI).
        notes that market trends for consumption   efforts to bring the life-changing benefits

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