Page 21 - SAMENA Trends - Gitex Special 2023
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        for significant growth in the coming years.   currencies. The countries of its operations   position  as a driving force  for innovation
        He has seen a number of telcos following   are characterised by  regulatory  stability,   and progress.
        and announcing similar plans.        healthy competition, and highly attractive
                                             returns, positioning them among the most   Over the past six months, we have demon-
        “Our ambition is clear—we want to be one   promising  in Europe. e& will  consolidate   strated a  strong  sense of resilience  and
        of the top 10 global companies in market   more than 10 million subscribers from this   adaptability.  Our  relentless  focus on ex-
        capitalisation not just within the telecom   acquisition post-closing.   cellence  and innovation has  allowed us
        industry, but across all sectors,” he says.                              to thrive in the dynamic landscape of the
        e&'s  performance  during  the  first  half  of   We achieved remarkable progress  in our   telecommunications and technology sec-
        the year  reinforces the resilience of our   strategic focus areas, supported by strong   tors, maintaining our growth momentum.
        business  model despite  the challenging   performance in our core telecom business,
        global macroeconomic environment. This   increased demand for our innovative digital   Our consolidated revenues during the first
        was also the result of our teams' relentless   services and solutions, and a commitment   half of the year reached AED 26.6 billion,
        efforts to remain committed to our vision   to  deliver cutting-edge  solutions that   with a year-over-year increase of 1.1 per
        and drive sustainable growth, making a   accelerate  digital transformation in the   cent.  Consolidated  net  profit  recorded
        positive change in the societies we serve   communities we serve. During the period,   AED 4.7 billion while consolidated EBITDA
        while adding value to our shareholders.  we  also  made strategic investments and   reached  AED 12.8  billion,  resulting in
                                             fostered partnerships  that  will  drive our   an EBITDA margin of 48 per  cent.  This
        The strategic expansion into Europe is   growth in the coming  years, pushing  us   positive performance has  been  driven by
        the next  step of  our transformation into   to seize new opportunities  in the fast-  our core businesses and our new business
        a  global technology  group,  offering  e&   evolving digital landscape.   verticals, which have seen an increase in
        multiple avenues  to roll-out its  leading                               demand domestically and internationally.
        suite of B2B  and B2C digital products  in   In line with  the  UAE leadership's  vision,
        the CEE with significant synergies.  we are committed to continuing progress   This growth was also fueled by harnessing
                                             and development and enhancing our   the power of our  technological  prowess,
        The acquisition aligns with e&’s strategic   confidence in the added value e& provides.   leveraging  our expertise to forge new
        ambition  to  accelerate  international  We are resolute in our  commitment to   paths, disrupt industries,  and transform
        growth and  diversify geographically.  This   spare no effort in delivering cutting-edge   the way we do business on a global scale.
        represents an  unparalleled  opportunity   technologies  and world-class services   Our commitment to pushing  boundaries
        to establish a strong  presence  and   that will not only shape the digital future   and embracing change has positioned us
        foster  development within the dynamic   but also  turn the vision of sustainable   as a true trailblazer in the digital era.
        CEE region. The PPF  Telecom portfolio,   socio-economic  growth into a tangible
        spanning  four countries,  exhibits a  well-  reality. With the utmost dedication, we aim   Our success  has been  driven by the
        balanced structure, underpinned by robust   to play an instrumental role in fostering a   combination of our innovative, customer-
        macroeconomic fundamentals and stable   knowledge-based economy, cementing our   centric  strategies and the unwavering
                                                                                 dedication  of our teams, along with our
           In line with  the  UAE leadership's vision, we are                    investment in world-leading infrastructure
           committed to continuing progress and development                      and   cutting-edge  technologies  that
                                                                                 consistently serve as the foundation of our
           and enhancing our confidence in the added value e&                    achievements.
           provides. We are resolute in our commitment to spare                  With its commitment to creating a vibrant,
           no effort in delivering cutting-edge technologies and                 connected future where opportunities are

           world-class  services that  will not  only  shape  the                boundless  and technology  is  a  force for
                                                                                 positive change, e& is poised to shape the
           digital future but also turn the vision of sustainable                world of tomorrow. As it continues to stand
           socio-economic growth into a tangible reality.                        at the forefront of digital transformation
                                                                                 undoubtedly one to watch.

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