Page 22 - SAMENA Trends - Gitex Special 2023
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                                       SAMENA COUNCIL ACTIVITY

        Broadband  Commission  Urges Collaborative Action  to  Accelerate
        Connectivity and Progress on Sustainable Development Goals

                                                                                 connectivity—stressed that  accelerating
                                                                                 universal and meaningful  connectivity
                                                                                 through  partnership and cooperation is
                                                                                 essential  to achieve the UN Sustainable
                                                                                 Development  Goals  (SDGs) by  2030.
                                                                                 “We need to build a  digital future that  is
                                                                                 inclusive, affordable, sustainable, safe
                                                                                 and people-centered," said  Commission
                                                                                 Co-Chair Carlos  Slim.  “There  should
                                                                                 be no digital deserts in the world, and
                                                                                 there should  be no one  excluded  from
                                                                                 connectivity. People  have the right  to
                                                                                 enjoy  a  safe, productive and affordable
                                                                                 online  experience.  Broadband  should
                                                                                 enhance  the quality of life of everyone."
                                                                                 At  the meeting,  the Commission  called
                                                                                 for innovative investment models to bring
                                                                                 together  private  and public  stakeholders
                                                                                 to deliver meaningful access and content
                                                                                 to those most  in need. "As  technology
        The    Broadband   Commission   for  cooperation  and developing  actionable   advances and 2.6  billion people  remain
        Sustainable  Development  called  for a   recommendations  for achieving universal   unconnected,  it's crucial  to prioritize
        joint global  effort  to achieve  universal
        and meaningful  connectivity  by  2030   "As technology  advances  and  2.6  billion  people  remain
        at  its  annual Fall  Meeting held  at  UN   unconnected, it's crucial to prioritize universal and afford-
        Headquarters in New York.  According to
        the  Commission, the  collaborative effort   able broadband access, coupled with investments in digital
        must ensure that  people  around  the   skills, and the elements that truly define meaningful con-
        world are  not only connected,  but that
        they  also  have the skills  and knowledge   nectivity, such  as inclusive  and  localized  digital  content,
        to  use that  connectivity.  The Broadband   accessible hardware, cybersecurity measures, and policies
        Commission—a    high  level  public-    that ensure digital inclusion for all"
        private  partnership  fostering  digital

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