Page 99 - SAMENA Trends - February-March 2021
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                                             REGULATORY NEWS

        ITU Asia-Pacific Formulates Regional Digital Priorities Ahead of The World

        Telecommunication Development Conference 2021

        The second  in  the series  of six
        preparatory meetings  for the ITU World
        Telecommunication       Development
        Conference (WTDC-21) took place on 9 and
        10 March 2021. Held virtually, the Regional
        Preparatory Meeting  (RPM) for Asia and
        the Pacific gathered 158 delegates from 33
        countries to ensure regional coordination
        ahead of WTDC-21, set to be hosted  in
        Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on 8-19 November
        2021.  WTDC-21 is  expected  to develop
        innovative approaches and new models of
        collaboration  for connectivity  and digital
        solutions  in  this  final  Decade  of  Action
        to achieve the Sustainable Development
        Goals (SDGs)  adopted  by the United
        Nations in 2015. "This is a good opportunity
        to consolidate  and express regional   developed  countries,  small island   Asia  and  the  Pacific  Common  Proposals
        priorities  as  Asia-Pacific,  which  will   developing  states  including  Pacific   for WTDC-21.
        contribute to the discussion at the WTDC-  island countries and territories,  and   Launch  of Digital Trends in Asia and  the
        21," noted  Masanori  Kondo,  Secretary   landlocked developing countries;  Pacific 2021
        General of the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity   •  Harnessing  information  and  A report released at the regional meeting,
        (APT). Doreen Bogdan-Martin, Director of   communication technologies to support   Digital  Trends  in  Asia  and  the  Pacific
        the ITU  Telecommunication  Development   the digital economy and create inclusive   2021, provides an overview of trends and
        Bureau said: "I believe the next WTDC has   digital societies;           developments in ICT infrastructure, access
        the potential to be  hailed  as a landmark   •  Fostering development of infrastructure   and usage trends  across the region,
        conference  in  rewriting  the  global  to enhance digital connectivity;  which  includes  38 ITU Member States
        connectivity  agenda,  and our  enhanced   •  Enabling  policy  and  regulatory  and is home to a population of 4.2 billion
        preparatory process has been developed to   environments;                people. The report finds that just over 96.1
        support this ambitious vision. By bringing   •  Contribute  to a secure and resilient   per cent  of the population  is  now within
        together  Member  States, the  private   information  and  communication  reach of a 3G mobile signal, and that 94.2
        sector,  financial  institutions,  such  as   technology (ICT) environment.  per  cent is within reach  of a  long-term
        regional development banks, and key civil   "I  am  humbled by  your trust  in  me.  I  am   evolution  (LTE) mobile  broadband  signal.
        society organizations, WTDC-21 offers us   also grateful to you for a very successful   Only a decade  ago,  some countries  in
        a unique opportunity to harness a swelling   RPM  and for a  clear elaboration  of our   the region had no 3G or 4G infrastructure
        tide of political  will  around  connectivity   regional initiatives, in which we emphasize   in place.  Despite these  developments,  a
        and to build long-lasting partnerships   the  needs of developing  countries,  the   significant  gender  gap  and  a  rural-urban
        that  advance our digital transformation   least  developed  countries  (LDCs), the   divide persist. In 2019, only 41.3 per cent
        agenda."                             small  island  developing  states  (SIDS),   of women across  the region  used the
        Proposed regional priorities         and landlocked developing  countries   Internet,  compared with  48.3  per cent  of
        WTDC-21 aims to forge a global plan for   (LLDCs)," said the RPM Asia-Pacific Chair,   men, the report shows. Moreover, only 37
        digital  development over the next four   Dr.  Ahmad  Reza Sharafat. Preparations   per cent  of rural households  had  access
        years, providing future direction  and   by  Asia-Pacific  countries  for  WTDC-21   to the  Internet  in 2019, compared with
        guidance  to the  ITU Telecommunication   will continue within the framework of the   almost twice as  many urban  households
        Development Sector (ITU-D). Participants   Asia-Pacific  Telecommunity  (APT),  where   (70.4  per  cent).  The  report  further  finds
        at RPM Asia-Pacific proposed several key   stakeholders  will  continue  preparing   that, despite progress made since the last
        priorities for the years 2022-2025:  contributions  for  ITU  Inter-Regional  World Telecommunication  Development
        •  Addressing the special needs  of least   Preparatory  Meetings  and  finalizing  their   Conference  in 2017, some  long-standing

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