Page 104 - SAMENA Trends - February-March 2021
P. 104


        NCC Highlights the Role of Telecoms in Nigeria's Exit from Recession

        The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) has highlighted   been remarkable. "The growth trend since 2015 has reawakened
        the role played by  the telecommunications  sector  in lifting the   hope that the economic diversification dreams of the country may
        country out of recession in the recently released fourth-quarter   finally be a reality as the sector continues to energize significant
        Gross Domestic Product (GDP) figures for the fourth quarter of   economic activities in the services sector of the economy," Adinde
        2020. The sector contributed 12.45 per cent to the country's GDP   said. He added that through effective regulatory regime emplaced
        in the fourth quarter of 2020. In a statement signed by its Director   by the NCC, under the leadership of its Executive Vice Chairman,
        of Public Affairs, Dr. Ikechukwu Adinde, the NCC stated that the   Prof. Umar Danbatta, telecoms investment grew from about $38
        latest data released by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS),   billion in 2015  to over $70 billion currently.  He  said  broadband
        showed that telecommunications and Information Services under   penetration also increased from six per cent in 2015 to 45.02 per
        Information  and Communication,  grew by 17.64  per  cent  in Q4   cent at December, 2020, indicating that 85.9 million Nigerians are
        2020 from 17.36 per cent in Q3 2020 and 10.26 per cent in Q4   now connected on 3G and 4G networks, which provide enhanced
        2019.  According  to  the  NBS  report,  agriculture,  industries,  and   high-speed  internet  that  has  continued  to  boost  efficiency  and
        services sector, under which telecommunications is categorised,   increase productivity  across the economic  spectrum.  "Recent
        contributed  26.95  per cent,  18.77  per cent,  and 54.28  per cent   statistics also indicate that between 2015 and December 2020,
        respectively. "This is a pointer to the fact that telecommunications,   active voice  subscriptions  have increased  from 151 million to
        trade, services and crop production are the main drivers of Nigeria's   204.6 million, with teledensity standing at 107.18 per cent. Basic
        exit from recession," Adinde said. In specific terms, NBS report   active internet subscriptions grew from 90 million to 154.3 million
        showed that largest sub-sectors in Q4 2020 are crop production   during  the period,"  Adinde  said.  He  assured Nigerians that  the
        at 3.68 per cent, crude petroleum and natural gas at 8.2 per cent,   commission  would  continue  to be  committed  to its culture of
        trade at  14.9  per cent,  telecommunications  and information   quality regulation of the telecommunications industry and would
        services at  12.45  per cent,  and real estate at  5.7  per cent.   continue to ensure a stable and robust sector which drives the
        "Telecommunication sector has, in the last five years been a major   digital economy agenda of the federal government and ultimately
        driver of the digital economy agenda of the federal government, as   leads in the growth of the country's GDP.
        it has continued to provide the needed digital sinews that support
        the economy, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic and its
        attendant restriction period. "Since the outbreak of the pandemic,
        government institutions, businesses and individuals have relied
        heavily on telecoms services to carry out their daily operations
        and official routines. "In response to the increased demand, the
        commission  put a  number  of regulatory  measures in  place to
        ensure seamless access by  Nigerians to telecommunication
        services and protect against any adverse impact on the quality of
        service enjoyed by consumers. "The steady growth of the telecoms
        sector  over the  years with its pervasive positive impact on  all
        other sectors of the economy in terms of increased automation
        of processes  and digital  transformation in  service delivery,  has

        36,700 Additional Base Stations Needed by End-2025 According to Osiptel

        Peruvian  mobile  network operators  will   2022,  with  that  figure  rising  to  49,135  a   projected  that  the  figure  would  rise  to
        need to deploy an additional 36,695 base   year later and 60,771 by the end of 2025.   971.0PB per month by 2025. The regulator
        stations by the end of 2025 to support the   With a total of 24,076 BTS in service at the   also highlights  a network development
        growing demand for mobile data services,   end of 2019, Osiptel estimates that 36,695   gap,  identifying  five  regions  where  more
        according to a study conducted by sector   additional  sites need  to be  deployed  to   than 200% increase in sites will be needed
        watchdog  the Supervisory Agency  for   address rising demand – representing an   in  the coming years,  namely:  Arequipa
        Private Investment in Telecommunications   increase of over 150% – but notes that the   (1,347  BTS  installed  at  end-2019  and
        (Organismo  Supervisor de  Inversion   figure could be less if operators implement   4,367 needed  by  end-2025,  or a  224%
        Privada en  Telecommuniciones,  Osiptel).   sharing agreements  for passive or active   increase), Ica (337%), La Libertad (219%),
        According to the regulator’s  estimates,   infrastructure. Osiptel’s study found   Lambayeque (270%) and Ucayali (242%).
        the nation will need a total of 34,577 base   that  average  monthly  mobile  data  traffic
        transceiver  stations  (BTS)  by  the  end  of   stood at roughly 206.7PB in Q3 2020 and

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