Page 94 - SAMENA Trends - February-March 2021
P. 94


        Apple Recruiting 6G Experts

        Apple began seeking engineers to research   specify  RAN protocols;  and contribute  to   the 5G smartphone market, only deploying
        and contribute  to industry  standards   3GPP development  of 6G standards. The   the  technology  in its iPhone  12 range  in
        for 6G, as  it  targets an early lead in the   move is the latest from Apple to position   October 2020.  A  host of industry  groups
        technology. Job adverts on the company’s   itself at the forefront of 6G development: it   have been formed to research 6G, with the
        site  explain  engineers  will  work  to  define   joined AT&T, T-Mobile US, Verizon, Google,   majority  targeting commercialization in
        system-level  concepts;  create  rapid  Facebook,  Ericsson,  Nokia  et  al  in  the   2030, though 3GPP is yet to indicate when
        prototyping platforms and conduct system   North America-focused Next G Alliance in   it plans to commence standards work.
        simulations; develop  new algorithms;   November 2020. Apple was a latecomer to

        Turk Telekom Tests 4.5Gbps 5G; Raises Fiber Performance With AI

        Turk Telekom (TT) and Nokia  have    by conducting  automatic root  cause   significantly.’  Kirac  noted  that  TT  has  25
        conducted  tests in which they  claimed a   analysis  in  Dense Wavelength  Division   worldwide  technology  patents  including
        new  5G  ‘world  record’  data  transmission   Multiplexing  (DWDM)  systems  and  17  for 5G-based products,  adding that
        speed  of above 4.5Gbps, using  mmWave   proactively monitoring  the  quality of   the group ‘will continue to invest in local
        (26GHz) spectrum bands in an eight-carrier   fiber-optic  cables,  explained  Yusuf  Kirac,   and national technologies that will create
        configuration  over  a  5G  NR  test  network   who  added:  ‘With  the  smart  software  we   added value for Turkey’s economy in order
        with specially equipped smartphones. TT   have developed  … we have succeeded  in   to reduce the technological and economic
        Deputy General  Manager of Technology,   raising our fiber service quality standards   dependence on foreign countries.’
        Yusuf  Kirac,  announced:  ‘Thanks  to  this
        technology, which provides many benefits
        for users and operators, we have achieved
        the high speed and large capacity targets
        promised by  5G.  These  technologies are
        also  planned  to  be used in 6G,  providing
        ultra-high speed and capacity. It also acts
        as  a  bridge  for the Terahertz  systems to
        mature  and  pave  the way.’  In  the tests
        at  the  operator’s Innovation Centre in
        Ankara, TT and Nokia used eight carriers
        with a  bandwidth  of 100MHz  and a  5G
        smartphone  equipped  with a  Qualcomm
        Snapdragon  X55  5G  mmWave  module,
        compatible  with  3GPP  standards.  In  a
        separate  announcement,  TT reported
        how it is using locally-developed artificial
        intelligence  (AI) solutions  to maximize
        its  fiber  network  quality  and  increase
        internet  performance. TT’s  patented  AI
        analysis  platform  ‘TT  Optical  Network
        (TT-ON)’  prevents performance losses

        First 5G Commercial Network in Operation in Russia

        The MTS  mobile telephone  operator   company Alexei Kornia noted, according to   However, not all  MTS clients will  be able
        launched  the  first  5G  network  in  Russia,   Sputnik news agency. He claimed that MTS   to use 5G for the time being. The operator
        which is already available in 14 busy places   users that have cell  phones  compatible   will send automatic invitations when users
        of Moscow, local media reported. 'After   with this technology can enjoy the 5G high   get close to any of the chosen areas. The
        many tests, our company has launched the   connectivity advantages in this capital, in   media reported that  5G  was  deployed in
        first 5G pilot network in Russia, available   downtown  areas of the city for the time   the 4.9 GHz band with low latency and a
        for our  thousands  of  users,' CEO  of  the   being,  especially  in the historic center.   network speed of up to 1.5 Gbps.

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