Page 96 - SAMENA Trends - February-March 2021
P. 96



        Digital Customer Care Index 2021

        Success Factors for Becoming a Truly Customer-centric Company

                                               Digitalization  has  profoundly  changed   the current state and expected  future
                                               how telcos interact with their customers.   of digital customer  care. We have
                                               Digital customer care is at the forefront   assembled a panel of 35 experts working
                                               of this development.                in customer care across multiple telcos
                                                                                   and related industries.
                                               While in the past, customer  care was
                                               restricted  to in-store services and   CUSTOMER CARE : THE CURRENT STATE
                                               basic call  centers, today's  companies   Factors driving the digitalization
        Dr. Alexander Henschel                 can choose  from a  broad variety of   The study reveals that all experts consider
        Managing Director and Global Head      technology-enabled  solutions. Digital   digital customer care as  critically
                                               customer  care can establish  a critical
                                                                                   important  for their business  success
        of TMT                                 competitive advantage while reducing   (score of 4.3  out of 5). This does  not
                                               the cost of service delivery.  But what is   come  as a surprise. Excellent  customer
                                               the state of digital customer care? How   service is one  of the few aspects  by
                                               well are telcos prepared to deal with its   which companies  can differentiate  their
                                               challenges? And most importantly: What   service offering and retain a competitive
                                               do they have to do to get it right?  edge.
                                               With  the Digital  Customer  Care Index   Nonetheless,  the transition towards
                                               2021, goetzpartners has taken a look at   digital customer care is rather driven by
                                                                                   competitive pressure than by companies'
                                                  With the Digital Customer        "intrinsic motivation" to actively embrace
                                                                                   this new  technology.  This is  supported
                                                  Care       Index        2021,    by the fact that service quality and speed
        Armin Raffalski                           goetzpartners  has taken         only seem to play a minor role in telcos’
        Partner and Head of Dubai office          a look at the current state      digitalization efforts.
                                                  and expected  future of          The  findings  show  that,  despite  being
                                                  digital customer care. We        aware of its importance, most telcos still
                                                                                   have a long way to go in becoming a truly
                                                  have  assembled  a panel         customer-centric organization.
                                                  of 35  experts working           Key challenges
                                                  in  customer  care  across       Our  study shows that  the major
                                                  multiple telcos and related      roadblocks  to implementing  digital

                                                  industries.                      customer care are attributable to people-
                                                                                   related issues.

        Nirnay Mangilal

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