Page 101 - SAMENA Trends - February-March 2021
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        ITU, WMO and UNEP to develop guidance   support the participation of the countries   and Innovation at  WMO.  "The  WMO
        of value  to all  stakeholders  in natural   shown to be most acutely impacted  by   Disaster Risk  Reduction  Program assists
        disaster management. We are calling   natural disasters, notably  small island   countries  in protecting  lives, livelihoods
        for the participation of  all  stakeholders   developing states (SIDS) and low-income   and property from natural hazards, and it
        to ensure that we achieve this."  Muralee   countries. The proposal to launch the new   is strengthening meteorological support
        Thummarukudy,  Operations Manager for   Focus Group was inspired by discussions   to  humanitarian  operations  for  disaster
        Crisis  Management at  UNEP  explained:   at an AI for Good webinar on International   preparedness  through  the  development
        "AI  applications  can  provide  efficient   Disaster Risk  Reduction  Day,  13  October   of  a  WMO  Coordination Mechanism
        science-driven management  strategies   2020, organized by ITU and UNDRR. This   and Global  Multi-Hazard  Alert  System.
        to support four phases  of disaster   conversation continued  at  a  subsequent   Complementary  to  the  Focus  Group,
        management:  mitigation, preparedness,   AI for Good  webinar, 21 January 2021,   we aim  to advance  knowledge  transfer,
        response and recovery. By promoting the   organized by  ITU  and UNEP.  "WMO  looks   communication  and  education  –  all  with
        use and sharing of environmental data and   forward to a  fruitful collaboration  with   a  focus on regions where resources are
        predictive analytics, UNEP  is committed   ITU  and UNEP  and the many prestigious   limited."  ITU  Focus  Groups  accelerate
        to accelerating digital transformation   universities and  partners committed to   ITU  studies  in  fields  of  growing  strategic
        together  with  ITU  and WMO  to improve   this exciting initiative. AI is growing  in   relevance  to ITU membership. They
        disaster resilience, response and recovery   importance to WMO activities and will help   establish a basis for related international
        efforts."  The  Focus  Group's  work  will   all  countries  to  achieve  major  advances   standardization work in ITU Study Groups.
        pay  particular attention to  the  needs  of   in  disaster management  that  will  leave   The  ITU  Focus  Group  on  'AI  for  natural
        vulnerable  and  resource-constrained  no one  behind,"  said Jürg Luterbacher,   disaster management' will report to ITU-T
        regions. It  will  make special  effort  to   Chief Scientist &  Director of  Science   Study Group 2 (Operational aspects).

        OFCOM Announces Results of 5G Auction’s Principal Stage

        British communications regulator OFCOM   million, as well as further 20MHz block of   3.8GHz band, with Three UK rounding out
        has  announced  the outcome  of the   supplementary downlink spectrum in that   the  winners,  having  bid  GBP280  million
        principal  stage of its auction  to release   same band for GBP4 million, and 40MHz in   for 2×10MHz  in the 700MHz  band. In
        more spectrum to improve mobile services   the 3.6GHz-3.8GHz band (GBP168 million),   terms of the next steps, OFCOM said the
        and  support  5G.  Four  companies  have   taking  its  total  spend  to  GBP452  million.   auction will now move to the ‘assignment’
        secured new frequencies,  with  the sale   O2 UK also secured frequencies, agreeing   stage, which will involve a single bidding
        process raising a total of GBP1.356 billion   to pay GBP280 million for 2×10MHz paired   round in which the MNOs can bid for the
        (USD1.88  billion)  for state coffers. EE   in the 700MHz band and GBP168 million   frequency  positions  they prefer for the
        emerged as the biggest spender, securing   for 40MHz in the higher band. Meanwhile,   airwaves they have secured in the principal
        2×10MHz  of paired frequency  spectrum   Vodafone UK offered GBP176.4 million for   stage. According  to the  regulator, after
        in the 700MHz band at a cost of GBP280   a 40MHz block of spectrum in the 3.6GHz-  submitting their assignment stage bids for
                                                                                 the 3.6GHz-3.8GHz band, bidders will have
                                                                                 the opportunity to negotiate the frequency
                                                                                 positions among themselves, should they
                                                                                 seek to join together their newly-acquired
                                                                                 spectrum  with frequencies  they already
                                                                                 hold  in the wider 3.4GHz-3.8GHz  band.
                                                                                 OFCOM  noted  though  that  this  will  be
                                                                                 subject to whether the companies wish to
                                                                                 enter the negotiation period,  and should
                                                                                 they do so it said it would publish the dates
                                                                                 for the negotiation period. Final results for
                                                                                 the auction – including the total amounts
                                                                                 paid,  the  specific  frequencies  secured
                                                                                 for each bidder, and the outcome  of any
                                                                                 agreements  reached  in the negotiation
                                                                                 period – will be published once all stages
                                                                                 are complete.

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