Page 102 - SAMENA Trends - February-March 2021
P. 102


        FCC Commissioner Carr Outlines 5G Spectrum Priorities

        FCC  Commissioner  Brendan  Carr  outlined  his  5G  priorities  for   as client-to-client device communications in the band. For VLP
        the coming years, with spectrum getting top billing. “With all the   devices, he said it’s key for 5G “because it would help power the
        work we’ve been doing over the past four years, we now have a   AR/VR and other applications that will drive consumer demand
        lot of spectrum in the pipeline,” Carr said during keynote remarks   for 5G devices.” It would also align with what other countries like
        at  the American  Enterprise Institute.  “The key  is  to  make  sure   Brazil have done. A final spectrum item on the commissioner’s
        we get those airwaves out into the commercial marketplace as   agenda for 2021 is updated rules for frequencies between 5470-
        quickly  as  possible.”  That  includes  holding  respective  auctions   5725 MHz, which Carr contends would help make it more actively
        for 100-megahertz of spectrum in the 3.45-3.55 GHz band, and   utilized. “This band contains a large, 255 megahertz-wide swath
        more than 100-megahertz in the 2.5 GHz band. As the Republican   of  unlicensed  spectrum  that  is  vastly  underutilized  today  –
        commissioner acknowledged, many of the actions on his agenda   indeed, equipment manufacturers don’t even bother to include the
        are already in the works. The FCC is slated to vote this Wednesday   band in many 5 GHz Wi-Fi devices,” he said. The current rules are
        on a proposed order as well as Public Notice for input on auction   meant to protect federal users in the band, but he wants the FCC
        procedures,  circulated  by  FCC  Acting  Chairwoman  Jessica   to explore whether technology advances could keep incumbent
        Rosenworcel last month, for the 3.45 GHz band. As for 2.5 GHz EBS   users protected while allowing more access for unlicensed use.
        licenses, or Auction 108, Carr said: “We’ve already put the leg work   Next year, the agency should tee up an auction for 50-megahertz
        in to get this across the finish line later this year,” with a public   between  1.3-1.35  GHz,  which  the  FCC  and  NTIA  have  been
        notice issued in January. Former FCC Chairman Ajit Pai's departure   exploring.  And  also hold  another  mmWave auction,  with Carr
        earlier  this  year  paved  the  way  for  the  Biden  administration  to   pointing to the 42 GHz band as the next prime candidate. Beyond
        appoint a  Democratic  majority, but the commission  currently   2022, he cited the lower 3 GHz band, 4.8 GHz, 7.125-8.4 GHz, and
        remains split with four members.    In 2021 Carr also wants the   spectrum above 95 GHz (including terahertz bands that could be
        FCC to seek input on increasing the power levels for operations   useful in 6G) as main priorities.   Along with spectrum, Carr’s plan
        in the shared Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) 3.5 GHz   targets infrastructure rules and policy aimed at making it easier
        band. AT&T was among operators asking for higher CBRS power   for those looking to deploy on federal lands and in rural areas.
        levels back in 2019. Countries around the globe are using the 3.5
        GHz band for 5G, and Carr noted that higher power limits would
        help align the U.S. with international standards. The CBRS band
        also sits between the 3.45 GHz band to be auctioned as well as
        the 3.7 GHz C-band that carriers just spent more than $81 billion
        to acquire licenses in – and he said increased power limits could
        span those 3 GHz band operations. “We should take the real-world
        experience we’re gaining with CBRS builds and coordinate with
        federal users as we look at increasing the power levels here,” Carr
        said in prepared remarks. “Getting this done will help extend the
        reach of 5G services to even more Americans.” Other spectrum
        items  on Carr’s  list  for 2021  include  allowing very  low  power
        devices (VLP) to operate in the 6 GHz band at 14 dBm, as well

        Nigeria to Free Up Analogue Broadcast Spectrum By 2022

        Hard on the heels of South Africa’s  similar  announcement,   notably Lagos, with  a  completion date of the middle of 2022.
        Nigeria’s National Broadcasting Commission now says that the   While this will may be good news for television broadcasters and
        country’s Digital Switch Over (DSO) project will be completed by   viewers in Nigeria, there is an increasing need in other industries
        middle of 2022 when the country will fully transit from analogue   for spectrum, more of which will  become  available after the
        to digital terrestrial broadcasting. Speaking at the weekend, the   switchover, potentially benefiting a number of players, including
        acting director-general of the commission, Professor Armstrong   suppliers  of mobile communications  services.  Readers will
        Idachaba,  noted  that funding  from federal  government  and the   remember that in February a similar announcement was made in
        recent establishment of a ministerial task force should speed the   South Africa, where the country’s president Cyril Ramaphosa said
        process up. According to Nigeria’s Vanguard newspaper, the pilot   that he expected the province-by-province process to start this
        program actually launched as long ago as 2016 in Jos, Plateau   March and be completed by the end of March 2022. Like Nigeria
        State, followed  by  Abuja, Kwara,  Kaduna, and Enugu,  halting   and a number of other countries in Africa, South Africa missed
        in Osogbo in February 2018. After what appears to be a three-  the original deadline set by the International Telecommunication
        year break, blamed in part on a lack of political will and financial   Union for completion of the switchover process, meant to happen
        constraints, the launch will now resume in the country’s big cities,   in June 2015.

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