Page 100 - SAMENA Trends - February-March 2021
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        challenges  remain, and new  challenges   the draft  Generation  Connect  Asia  and   Women for WTDC-21 Asia and the Pacific
        have emerged over the past  three years.   the Pacific Action Plan 2022-2025, which   aims  to promote  active participation  of
        These  have been  compounded by  the   outlines  key  interests, perspectives and   women in  ITU  activities, including in  the
        COVID-19 pandemic and require concerted   concerns  of young  people  regarding  the   tech  sector  in general. "The Government
        and focused  action. Meeting  participants   opportunities and challenges presented by   of Mongolia gives great importance to the
        reported on the implementation of SDGs   digital technologies. The group comprises   ICT sector and digital transformation," said
        in the sector, as  well as  of the WTDC-17   26 young people from the region, selected   Bolor-Erdene  Battsengel,  Chairwoman
        Buenos  Aires  Action  Plan,  associated   after a competitive selection process. The   of the  Communications  and Information
        regional-level initiatives, and the World   Generation  Connect initiative promotes   Technology  Authority (CITA) of Mongolia.
        Summit for Information Society  (WSIS)   meaningful  youth  engagement  and  "We  want  to  ensure  that  the  benefits  of
        Plan  of  Action.  "Despite the COVID-19   participation in the WTDC-21 process and   digital transformation are fully recognized
        pandemic,  the  ITU  Regional  Office   at the Youth  Summit to be  held on  6-7   by  citizens and public and  private
        has   delivered  technical  assistance  November 2021.                   sectors  and that they contribute to the
        and continued  the implementation of   Network  of  Women  for  the  ITU  empowerment of women in the ICT sector."
        the regional initiatives  to  connect  the   Telecommunication Development Sector  ITU  International Centre of  Digital
        unconnected,"  noted Atsuko  Okuda, ITU   The  meeting  unveiled  the Network of   Innovation
        Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific   Women  (NoW)  Asia-Pacific  for  the   In  a  discussion  focused  on ITU's
        region.                              ITU  Telecommunication  Development  International  Centre of Digital Innovation
        Generation  Connect regional  action  plan,   Sector, an initiative that aims to build  a   (I-CoDI),  the Indian  delegation  presented
        2022-2025                            community  to support  female delegates,   a  national  initiative to promote digital
        In parallel with the  regional  preparatory   expand  their network,  and advocate and   innovation in connectivity and highlighted a
        meeting,  the  Generation  Connect  –  Asia   share experiences and knowledge  with   series of upcoming webinars on innovative
        and  the  Pacific  Youth  Group  presented   other  female delegates. The  Network of   applications and connectivity options.

        ITU to Advance AI Capabilities to Contend with Natural Disasters

        The   International  Telecommunication
        Union  (ITU)  –  the  United  Nations
        specialized agency for information and
        communication   technologies   –   has
        launched  a  new  Focus  Group  to  contend
        with  the increasing prevalence  and
        severity of natural disasters with the
        help of artificial intelligence (AI). In close
        collaboration with the World Meteorological
        Organization  (WMO)  and the  United
        Nations Environment Program (UNEP), the
        ITU Focus Group on 'AI for natural disaster
        management' will support global efforts to
        improve our understanding and modelling   greatest challenges facing humanity."   and accompanying educational  materials
        of natural  hazards  and disasters.  It  will   Clashes with nature impacted  1.5  billion   addressing these  three key  dimensions
        distill emerging best practices to develop   people  from 2005  to  2015,  with 700,000   of natural  disaster management. Its
        a  roadmap  for  international action in  AI   lives lost, 1.4 million injured, and 23 million   study of emergency  communications
        for natural disaster management.  The   left  homeless,  according to  the Sendai   will  consider both technical  as well as
        group's  first  meeting  is  scheduled  for   Framework  for  Disaster  Risk  Reduction   sociological  and  demographical  aspects
        15-17  March 2021.  Participation is  open   2015-2030  developed  by  the  UN  Office   of these  communications  to ensure that
        to all interested parties. "With new data   for Disaster Risk  Reduction  (UNDRR). AI   they  speak to all  people  at  risk.  "This
        and new insight  come  new powers of   can advance data collection and handling,   Focus  Group  looks  to  AI  to  help  address
        prediction able to save countless numbers   improve hazard modelling  by  extracting   one  of the  most pressing  issues of our
        of lives," said ITU Secretary-General Houlin   complex patterns from a growing volume   time," noted the Chair of the Focus Group,
        Zhao. "This new Focus Group is the latest   of geospatial  data, and support effective   Monique  Kuglitsch, Innovation  Manager
        ITU  initiative  to  ensure  that  AI  fulfils  its   emergency  communications. The new   at ITU member Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz
        extraordinary  potential to  accelerate   Focus  Group  will  analyze  relevant  use   Institute.  “We will  build on the  collective
        the  innovation required  to address the   cases of AI to deliver technical reports   expertise of the communities convened by

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