Page 93 - SAMENA Trends - February-March 2021
P. 93


                                             TECHNOLOGY NEWS

        EU Group Looks to Scratch the Surface Of 6G

        European  institute CEA-Leti  announced  the launch  of a  EU  6G   reflectors  or transceivers “for massive access  when  equipped
        research project with involvement from 13  parties including   with  active  radio  frequency  elements”.  Ultimately,  RISE-6G
        Orange, Telecom Italia and vendor NEC Europe. In a statement,   aims  to  address  the design  of key  hardware building  blocks
        CEA-Leti  said  the  RISE-6G  project  was  a  “visionary”  initiative   and their integration  in future 6G  networks. CEA-Leti  followed
        based on designing, prototyping and testing smart and energy-  other industry players in stating it expects 6G to be deployed by
        sustainable  technology  advances,  on  reconfigurable  intelligent   the end  of the decade,  creating  the “basis for human-centered
        surfaces that  will  enable  programmable control.  The research   smart  societies  and  vertical  industries”.  To  achieve  this,  the
        institute explained these surfaces may be diode-based antennas   group  believes advances  will  be expected  to support the long-
        or metamaterials  in the environment,  such  as  mirrors, ceilings,   term, sustainable transformation of networks into a  distributed
        walls  and  applications,  and  they  will  operate  as  reconfigurable   smart-connectivity  infrastructure,  where terminal types such
                                                               as mirrors, signs and walls are embedded into the environment.
                                                               “Our mission is to enable this disruptive new concept as a service
                                                               for the wireless environment by dynamically controlling wireless
                                                               communication for local, brief and energy-efficient, high-capacity
                                                               communications,” said Emilio Calvanese Strinati, RISE-6G project
                                                               coordinator. In addition to the two operators and NEC, academic,
                                                               research and vertical players are involved in the initiative. Industry
                                                               noise  around  6G continues  to gather pace. In 2020  the Next G
                                                               Alliance research  group launched, tasked with  developing  and
                                                               defining the technology, which has had backing from US operators,
                                                               vendors Ericsson and Nokia and LG, Apple and Google.

        China to Accelerate 6G Push Over Next 5 Years

        China’s government reportedly plans to   R&D of 6G technologies, construction of a   murmurings  around  the  next-generation
        prioritize the development  of 6G up to   large-scale 5G network and a push around   of mobile  has grown over the last  year.
        2025, stepping-up its  ambitions for the   IPv6. He reportedly explained more effort   Last  month,  a new 6G research  project
        technology  following recent  research   would be  made  to  build up systems  and   was  unveiled  involving  major European
        advancements  in Europe  and the US.   standards “to accommodate  data flow,   operators,  while in 2020 US operators
        State-owned newspaper China Daily stated   cross-border data transmission and data   committed to the Next G Alliance, a group
        government  and industry  experts  have   security protection”, as China looks to reap   tasked  with  developing  and  defining  the
        outlined a plan to advance 6G between 2021   the benefits of the digital economy. Details   technology.  China has also  already been
        and 2025, as part of a wider “digital China”   of what exactly the country plans to do   active, launching what it claimed was
        standalone objective to ensure technology   to accelerate 6G  or when it  expects  the   the  first  6G  experimental  satellite  to  test
        provides fresh economic  impetus. Yang   technology  to launch  were not  revealed,   communications  for space  using  high-
        Xiaowei, deputy  head of the Cyberspace   however industry players have widely   frequency terahertz spectrum in November
        Administration  of China said at a  news   indicated  the technology  will  not see the   2020.
        briefing  the  country  would  accelerate   light of day  until 2030  at  least.  Industry

        Two Slovak Cellcos To Debut Commercial 5G in April

        Slovak  operators  Orange Slovensko and   the commercial networks, with  4ka  also   5G service in eight districts of Bratislava in
        4ka  have  confirmed  that  they  plan  to   expected  to utilize 1800MHz  frequencies,   December, while O2 Slovakia is deploying
        launch  5G  services  in  Bratislava  in  April   as  it  has been  doing  for its  trial  in the   its own 5G infrastructure under a recently-
        this year. A report from says both   Banska  Bystrica  area.  Slovak  Telekom   announced contract with Ericsson.
        firms  will  be  using  3.5GHz  spectrum  for   introduced the country’s first commercial

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