Page 91 - SAMENA Trends - February-March 2021
P. 91



        New  Data  Centers and CDN  Points of Presence  in the

        Middle East and their Impact on the User Experience

        SpeedChecker shares their insights on how the new AWS and Azure data centers in the
        Middle East have contributed to reducing latency and improving the user experience.

                                                               In recent years it's without question that operators in the region
                                                               are improving the user experience considerably.  5G dominates the
                                                               industry, focusing both on the investment front as well as on the
                                                               marketing push. A less sexy topic to boast about is the continuous
                                                               drive to improve the interconnections which play a major role in
                                                               improving the user experience as well. Operators, when launching
                                                               5G, often accompany marketing messages  with speed  test
                                                               app  screenshots  showcasing  1Gb+  speeds.  This  indicates  the
                                                               challenge in the industry to find the real use cases for 5G as, surely,
                                                               the purpose of 5G is not just making speed tests faster.

                                                                  Operators, when  launching  5G,  often
                                                                  accompany marketing messages  with
                                                                  speed  test app  screenshots  showcasing
                                                                  1Gb+ speeds. This indicates the challenge
                                                                  in the industry to find the real use cases for
                                                                  5G as, surely, the purpose of 5G is not just
                                                                  making speed tests faster.

        Janusz Jezowicz                                        At SpeedChecker we look beyond measuring fastest 5G speeds:
        CEO                                                    our testing methodologies  look at  capturing  data  on the user
                                                               experience  such  as  video streaming, web browsing or services
        SpeedChecker                                           relying  on low latency.  One of the topics  that we feel  does  not
                                                               get enough attention from the industry is the impact of new data
                                                               centers in the region and how they improve the latencies and, in
                                                               effect, user experience of many services which are hosted in the
                                                               region and are latency sensitive.

                                                               First Microsoft Azure and then, soon after, Amazon AWS launched
                                                               new data centres in the Middle East. Azure launched in the United
                                                               Arab Emirates in June 2019 and AWS launched in Bahrain in July

                                                               Shortly after the launch SpeedChecker evaluated the connections
                                                               to the new data centers from the Middle East region. The results
                                                               were not pretty: most of the connections to both Azure in UAE and
                                                               AWS in Bahrain were not providing low latency links that would
                                                               improve the quality of experience. With the exception of Bahrain

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