Page 57 - SAMENA Trends - February-March 2021
P. 57


        Ufone puts efforts in digital initiatives for   available to customers and are easy to   Etisalat Afghanistan  part-
        SMBs                                 manage.  Going  forward, the company
        Users are now able to access and manage   plans to improve its bundle offerings, with   nered with  the  Ministry  of
        their bundle plans  themselves.  They  can   cloud  and digital services, and business   Education  to  find  a  solu-
        view  their  usage, extract their  monthly   SMSs, among other things. There is huge   tion  to possible  interrup-
        bills and make online payments as well as   potential  for revenue  growth in the  SME
        detailed data usage through Ufone’s Web   sector, and the PTCL Group has the ability   tions  in  education.  Given
        portal,  ‘BizEaze’.  Ufone  also  collaborated   to meet consumers’ needs in this market.   Afghanistan’s  device
        with PTCL in 2020  to offer SME  bundle
        plans for mobile connectivity,    wireless   Ufones’s  mobile  financial  services  brand,   penetration  and  connec-
        broadband,  and  fixed  connectivity  ‘Triple   ‘UPaisa’,  was  a  major  move  to  cashless   tivity  issues,  it  would  not
        Play’  bundles. The bundles  incorporate   payments a  mobile app was  introduced
        a  number of  off-the-shelf solutions   for iOS and Android users,  allowing  all   have been practical to use
        that cater to the most critical business   essential transactions, including QRbased   an  existing online  model,
        requirements  of SMEs, from productivity   payments. With a simple and user-friendly   such as Google Classroom
        to collaboration,  to marketing  and sales   interface, the UPaisa app allows its users
        and more. The solutions are immediately   to avail multiple financial services through   or Microsoft  Teams. The
                                             one platform. The UPaisa app focuses on   company thus  rolled  out
           Ufones’s  mobile  financial       simplicity and enables users to navigate   an affordable  eLearning

           services brand, ‘UPaisa’,         with ease.                             platform  that  makes the
           was a major move to cash-         Ufone maintained its ranking as one of the   curriculum materials avail-
           less  payments  a mobile          top three operators in Pakistan in 2020, in   able in text form.
                                             terms of customer satisfaction.
           app was introduced for iOS                                            with  the  Ministry  of  Education  to  find
           and Android users, allowing       Afghanistan  gives  easy  access  to  a solution  to possible  interruptions  in
           all    essential     transac-     healthcare and education            education.  Given Afghanistan’s  device
                                             Etisalat  Afghanistan made it  easier for
                                                                                 penetration  and connectivity  issues, it
           tions,  including  QRbased        citizens to  access healthcare  services   would not have been  practical to use an
           payments.  With a simple          during  the pandemic. Access  to  medical   existing online model, such as  Google
                                             facilities is  limited in  the country,  which
           and user-friendly interface,      caused  a  lot of additional stress for   Classroom or Microsoft Teams.  The
                                                                                 company  thus rolled  out an affordable
           the  UPaisa app  allows           members  of the  public  who required the   eLearning  platform that  makes  the
                                             services of a  medical practitioner.  In  the
           its users  to avail multiple      second  quarter  of  2020,  the company   curriculum materials available in text form.
           financial  services  through      addressed  the problem  by  rolling out its   In 2020, Etisalat expanded  its 4G LTE
           one  platform.  The UPaisa        Doctor in Your Phone service.       services and  accelerated  the process of
                                                                                 upgrading LTE in Kabul, by adding 35 sites
           app focuses  on simplicity        Additionally,  the  company supported the   during the year,  taking  the overall  LTE
           and enables users to navi-        education  sector  during  this time. Along   penetration  to more than 60% of sites in
                                             with the country’s  other  mobile  network
           gate with ease.                   operators,  Etisalat  Afghanistan  partnered   Kabul. Etisalat’s 4G network was rolled out
                                                                                 in the Kandahar Province in July 2020.

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