Page 62 - SAMENA Trends - February-March 2021
P. 62


        Egypt The Most Advanced in Using Fixed Broadband Subscriptions in Africa

        OMDIA,  a  leader  in  the  field  of  data,   2014. According to a statement issued by   to  fixed  broadband  services  in  Egypt.
        research and studies supporting providers   Telecom Egypt, the company invested 12.7   He also added: “The spread of Covid -19
        of services and  technology  solutions,   billion Egyptian pounds  ($  790.3  million)   has led to an increase in subscriptions to
        recently  released  its latest report on   in 2019 as a new shift in fixed broadband   XDSL services by 6.1% at a quarterly rate,
        broadband networks that is widely spread   offerings in line with the country's strategy   or 16.1%  annually,  to  reach 7.99  million
        due  to  its  economic  and  social  benefits,   to  develop its  network capabilities  and   subscribers, by the end of 2020, compared
        as  it  is  one of  the most  important  and   improve the quality of internet services in   to 6.88 million in 2019.  While mobile
        strategic pillars  for  the development of   Egypt. Moreover, the growth in broadband   broadband  subscriptions  saw  growth
        countries  worldwide.  The report  revealed   networks in Egypt in terms of infrastructure,   from 36.89  million in the second quarter
        special expectations that help  decision-  digital initiatives and services is due to the   of 2019 to 41.79  million with a growth
        makers to take appropriate steps and plans   efforts of the Ministry of Communications   of 2.7% on  a quarterly basis and  13.3%
        for the future of their business, especially   and Information Technology, the National   annually. Reed also stated that the growth
        as it encompassed  a set of important   Telecommunications Regulatory Authority   in fixed broadband subscription in Egypt is
        recommendations  and  suggestions for   and the operators, where Egypt witnessed   the highest of its kind in Africa. However,
        developing broadband networks in Egypt.   a growth in fixed broadband services from   it is considered low compared to the Gulf
        On top of them, is inevitability of working   25% in 2017 to more than 35% in the first   countries, and it also highlights the need of
        on reducing the digital gap and ensuring   quarter of 2020, and there is still more   the customers in Egypt to have reliable and
        that broadband services reach all citizens,   growth  potential  for  high-speed  fixed   high-speed connectivity.” He carried on his
        in addition to reviewing the increase   broadband for the right technology at the   words by explaining that the progress and
        in  participation  in  mobile  and  fixed   right price  in the market. Matthew Reed,   enhancement  of the broadband services
        facilities to overcome financial obstacles.   an  analyst  in  OMDIA  said:  “Broadband   is  an  important  factor in  providing a
        Moreover, the report underscored the fact   reports have become of great prominence,   system for the growth of digital services,
        that  investment  in broadband  should  be   whether for companies  working in  the   including  online communication tools,
        enlarged to be able to continue providing   field of technology or smart governments,   e-commerce, financial services, and finally
        quality services, especially after the spread   especially after the great expansion in the   e-government,  which forms the basis
        and outbreak  of COVID-19.  Eventually,   usage of the communication technology.”   of the digital  economy.  He  concluded
        the report  emphasized that  Egypt  should   He  also  expounded  that  this  global   his  words  by  assuring that,  information
        continue  to invest in developing  digital   pandemic led to an increase in the internet   and  communication  technology  will
        skills to guarantee the provision of high-  networks and  social  communication’s   increasingly contribute to the development
        level services to customers. The report also   usage, especially when it  comes  to  the   of the country's Gross Domestic Product
        indicated  that  the Egyptian government   fields of education, public, health services,   (GDP), noting  that  OMDIA's  broadband
        is  working on developing  the broadband   and others. Meaning, these services have   reports  expect  that  although the market
        infrastructure in Egypt in light of the   started to  become  carried out remotely,   share of XDSL  will decline  over the  next
        country’s vision in digital transformation,   which led to the existence of a changing   few years, XDSL  will  remain the largest
        in cooperation with Telecom Egypt (TE), in   lifestyle compared to what used to occur   fixed broadband technology in the region,
        which the Ministry of Communications and   prior  to the emergence  of this lethal   capturing  39.7%  of  fixed  broadband
        Information Technology has an 80% stake,   pandemic,  the thing  that enforced  an   subscriptions in 2025.
        to modernize the access network since   acceleration  of  growth in  subscription

        Nepal Preparing to Begin 5G Testing in Four Cities

        The Ministry  of  Communications  and   during  which  consumers  will  be able to   approval for the tests to begin and will now
        Information Technology  (MOCIT) has   access  the  service  free  of charge. As   decide which frequencies will be allocated
        announced  that it will soon  commence   previously reported by  TeleGeography’s   to operators for 5G services. The National
        testing of 5G networks in four cities of the   CommsUpdate,  the MOCIT  instructed   Telecommunications  Authority  (NTA)
        country, reports  The Himalayan Times.   state-owned  telecoms  provider Nepal   has proposed  using low-band 700MHz,
        Communications  Minister Parbat  Gurung   Telecom  (NT) to begin  5G network   900MHz,  2300MHz  and  2600MHz
        revealed that  necessary  technical and   testing  during  the  current  financial  year   spectrum, mid-band 3300MHz, 3400MHz,
        infrastructure studies are being conducted   ending  mid-July.  Meanwhile,  a meeting   3600MHz  and 4100MHz  frequencies  and
        prior  to staging 5G trials  in Kathmandu,   of  the  National  Radio  Frequency  Policy   26GHz high-band spectrum.
        Pokhara,   Birgunj   and   Biratnagar,   Determination  Committee  has  given

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