Page 55 - SAMENA Trends - February-March 2021
P. 55


        The company’s cloud computing services
        are the foundation of digital transformation
        in all  industries.  Etisalat  has also been
        collaborating  with Amazon Web Services
        (AWS)  and Microsoft  Azure to offer
        Etisalat’s  Cloud  Express.  The service
        enables  secure,  private  connectivity
        between the customer’s corporate network
        and their public clouds. Etisalat’s focus on
        cloud services has led to the expansion of
        the company’s data centers, with two new
        facilities opening  in  Dubai and Al  Ain in

        Another area that has witnessed growth is
        SD-WAN with an overwhelming response
        from many OEMs  and service  providers
        due to  its  superior features.  The value
        proposition is headed by cost optimisation   security  that it  requires.  A strategic  plan   provide  Mobily  Fiber  services.  Through
        and efficient performance. Businesses are   backed by  intense  research and careful   the  agreement  with  Open  Broadband,  3.5
        opting for a managed service provider who   understanding of the network architecture   million  homes  now  have  access  to  fixed
        can analyse, design, migrate, implement,   will  help enterprises build an agile   broadband  services  through  fiber  optic
        and monitor SD-WAN solution and provide   and future-proof network ready to put   technology.
        network performance and application   technology to the most effective use.
        reports.  SD-WAN and virtual network                                        With business  continuity
        services will be the  key building  blocks   Mobily focuses on becoming a digital telco
        for a  WAN that  can enable  business   Mobily announced a digital transformation   becoming  a key compo-
        outcomes and become a driver for digital   partnership  with  global  technology  nent  in  the  pandemic,  the
        transformation.                      company  SAP to energise its  sales  force
                                             automation in line with its overall strategy.  company became the first
        The new concept of Secure Access Service   Mobily’s digital transformation accelerated   telecom  operator  in the
        Edge  (SASE) reduces  complexity and   growth in all the company’s digital channels   Middle  East and North
        improves performance by unifying network,   ranging from the portal and e-shop to the
        security, and identity management under a   application. New  registrations in the app   America (MENA)  region to
        single umbrella. In today’s world, work is   doubled  while online  store visitors and   receive  ISO  22301:2019
        moving  outside  the  office,  and  securing   eShop orders skyrocketed.
        these  remote  workers has become  a                                        certification,  for  the  new
        necessity that comes with its own set of   The company also  expanded  coverage   international  standard
        complexities.  SASE gives businesses the   on  the  5G network reaching  50 cities,
        required convergence  across multiple   including  most regions  in the Kingdom.   for  Business  Continuity
        areas.  SASE  can  secure  cloud, branch   The company acquired 5G spectrum in 2.6   Management Systems.
        network  edges,  remote  users  and  data   GHz and 3.7 GHz, increased 5G sites rollout
        centre to deliver a secure SD-WAN fabric   by over 5 times in comparison to prior year   Mobily  also  made  its  first  successful  5G
        across disparate connections.        and extended FTTH coverage to 26 cities.  voice  call in the  Middle East  known as
                                             Mobily  partnered with  Ericsson to trial   Voice  over New  Radio (VoNR), and was
        Enterprises  need to review the strategic   5G on the 800 MHz and 1800 MHz bands   made using the SA 5G network.
        roadmap for the evolution  of the WAN.   using  Ericsson  Spectrum  Sharing  (ESS)
        Assessing the current status  of the   technology  that  allows  both 4G  and 5G   With business continuity becoming a key
        network, and  where  it  wants  to  be in   technologies  to be deployed in  the same   component in the pandemic, the company
        the  future  is  critical.  Finally,  preparing  a   band, enabling Mobily to manage network   became  the  first  telecom  operator  in
        gradual migration path that leverages   traffic more efficiently.        the Middle East  and North  America
        existing  infrastructure with SD-WAN                                     (MENA) region to receive ISO 22301:2019
        should be the next step. Due consideration   The company achieved SA 5G  network   certification,  for  the  new  international
        has  to  be given on how enterprises  can   capability for data  services  offering   standard   for   Business   Continuity
        optimise the use of AI and automation to   independent  5G  technology  with  zero   Management Systems.
        give their networks scalability, flexibility,   reliance  on the 4G  network.  Mobily
        manageability,  cost-effectiveness, and   partnered  with  Open  Broadband  to

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