Page 61 - SAMENA Trends - February-March 2021
P. 61


                                                REGIONAL NEWS

        World Digital Report 2020 Highlights Digital Lifestyle in UAE

        The  Telecommunications  and Digital Government  Regulatory
        Authority has appreciated the data insights by the World Digital
        Report  2021,  published in  partnership between  "We  Are  Social"
        and  "Hoot  suite".  The report  sheds light on the digital  lifestyle
        in the UAE, based on group data that monitored individuals and
        companies' behavior during the year 2020, which witnessed the
        coronavirus pandemic.  The  report revealed  the  total value of
        digital payment transactions  in the UAE during  2020 reached
        US$18.50 billion and indicated that the average time an individual
        spends on the Internet in the UAE is 7 hours and 24 minutes a
        day. Furthermore, the report states that an individual spends 40
        hours per week browsing the Internet via a Smartphone, while 86
        percent of the population plays electronic games via the Internet
        using available devices. The report has also indicated that the UAE
        residents  spent 320 million hours on Smartphone  applications
        during 2020 and the number of smart homes in the country has
        reached  190,000.  Hamad  Obaid Al Mansoori, Director-General
        of the Telecommunications  and  Digital Government  Regulatory
        Authority, Head of the Digital Government of the UAE government,
        commented,  "The emergency  faced  by  the world last  year, has
        made 2020, a digital year of excellence, as websites, social media
        pages, portals and smart sites thrived. They were the only means
        for the world's population to pursue their lives, work and education.
        The  communications  and information  technology  sector's
        overall  infrastructure has  been  a  decisive factor in  enabling
        many sectors  of society  to maintain the continuity  of various
        aspects of everyday life like work, education, and shopping. "Most
        importantly, the period has proved that digital transformation is
        an urgent necessity and not a technical luxury. Following our wise
        leadership's directives, we in the UAE have been pioneers in this
        process, as  most  government  agencies  developed  their smart
        platforms and services. We were the first to adopt and develop
        digital solutions that enabled us to overcome the difficult situation
        and managed to achieve many successes," he added. According
        to the report,  99  percent of the Emirati  community  members
        are  active  on social  media, and  97.6  percent of  the population
        owned Smartphones. While 9.3 percent of the population owned
        smart devices in their homes, 5.2 percent use augmented virtual
        reality technologies. The report also stated that the high internet
        speeds in the UAE contributed to enhancing the digital presence
        of the various members of society. The average internet speed on   are related  to remote  working, distance  learning,  e-commerce
        smartphones reached 177.52 megabytes per second, an increase   and providing government services remotely. In coordination with
        of 104.6 percent from the year 2019, while the fixed internet speed   service providers, the authority provided a set of applications to
        reached 131 megabytes per second, a rise of 44.6 percent from   support remote working from homes. The authority has worked
        2019.  The  report  also  mentioned  that  Google  ranked  first  as  a   with service providers to raise the fixed broadband speed to 100
        search engine in terms of the number of visitors with a total of   megabytes per second to secure high internet speeds that ensure
        244 million visits, while YouTube ranked first at 87.4 percent as   the smooth running of remote work operations. The Authority and
        the most widely used social media platform. Telecommunications   service providers enhanced network capacity and re-engineered
        and Digital Government Regulatory Authority has launched several   bandwidth to provide seamless remote work experiences.
        initiatives to support the vision of the country's leadership. These

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