Page 52 - SAMENA Trends - February-March 2021
P. 52


        the satellite communications sector in the
        UAE, this collaboration is further testament
        to  our country’s  position as  a  global
        pioneer  across a number  of high growth
        sectors. These  partnerships  are vital  to
        the  diversification  of  the  UAE’s  economy,
        and we are committed to supporting our
        UAE Investments’ portfolio companies as
        they contribute to our nation’s sustainable
        growth,” said Musabbeh Al Kaabi, Chairman
        of Yahsat.  CEO  Tawazun,  H.E  Tareq
        Abdulraheem Al Hosani said: “At Tawazun,
        we  seek  to  reaffirm  Abu  Dhabi’s  position
        as  a  leading  regional  hub  of strategic
        technologies  and  manufacturing.  We are
        excited about the long-term prospects of
        our collaboration with Yahsat. In less than
        a decade since it launched its first satellite,   heavily  in nation-building  through  our   the growing space sector.” By developing
        Yahsat has grown to be one of the world’s   longstanding  partnership  with  the UAE   bespoke solutions for critical  national
        leading  satellite enterprises,  with  an   Armed Forces and various other initiatives,   requirements, Tawazun and Yahsat expect
        enviable track record of accomplishments   driving growth  and  new opportunities.   to raise the bar for customer satisfaction,
        that are a source of pride to all Emiratis. Our   In  keeping with the Abu Dhabi Economic   especially among key decision-makers in
        collaboration stands to gain tremendously   Vision  2030, we now look forward to   the UAE, GCC and beyond. Their  mission
        from Yahsat’s expertise and connections,   commencing  homegrown production of   is to capture value and establish the UAE
        spurring  innovation  and  technology  advanced communication  technologies   as a producer of satellite-enabled defense
        development  within  the  UAE.”  Ali  Al   so  that  the UAE  can achieve  its  national   communication technologies, entrenching
        Hashemi, Chief Executive Officer Designate   objectives with  greater autonomy.  We   its  reputation as  a  sustainable and
        of Yahsat  added:  “Yahsat  has  always   are grateful  to our  country’s leadership   sovereign space economy.
        served as a catalyst for the diversification   and Tawazun for  entrusting  us  with  this
        of the UAE’s  economy.  We have invested   opportunity to develop  Emirati’s to serve

                                             Zain Provides Coverage in Newly Developed Areas

        Zain Bahrain has become the first network   these specific areas, where residents will   telecommunications operator and a digital
        operator  to provide enhanced  mobile,  4G   enjoy enhanced  data speed  and greater   enabler is much bigger than normal times.
        and 5G home  broadband  connectivity in   network connectivity  opportunities to   We sought  to ensure that  connectivity
        the  newly developed  areas of East  Hidd,   meet  increasing  customer  demand.  for the residents  remotely working or
        Hid block  111, and Lawzi.  The operator   Ali Al-Yaham, Director  of Technology   attending  online  classes or providing
        notes it took a progressive approach and   at  Zain  Bahrain,  commented:  ‘During   education  do not get hampered  during
        worked tirelessly through last year to roll   these unprecedented  COVID-19  times   these tough times.’
        out 4G and 5G  broadband  networks  to   we understand  our responsibility  as  a

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