Page 105 - SAMENA Trends - February-March 2021
P. 105


        Malaysia Fleshes Out National 5G Plan

        Malaysia’s media and telecoms  regulator   invest  in  the  “right  areas”  and  reduce   the MCMC will be allocated 5G spectrum
        explained a national 5G plan unveiled last   duplication. It  argued  this  was  vital  to   and offer capacity to mobile operators on
        week aims  to lower the costs operators   enable  service  providers to  continue   a  wholesale basis.  MCMC said operators
        face in deploying the technology, freeing   deploying fibre, and improve 4G coverage   will have “open, fair and equal access” to
        them to focus on improving LTE coverage   and quality.  Its  objective is  to  reduce   the new network and there will be private
        and invest more in innovative services.   infrastructure-based  competition  and  sector  involvement. The  government
        The Malaysian Communications and     encourage  development  of “truly  game-  targets  the  launch  of 5G services by the
        Multimedia Commission (MCMC) stated   changing”   consumer   and   business   end  of the year.  It  previously postponed
        the  plan to construct  a nationwide  5G   services. A special purpose  vehicle   deployment of the technology to boost the
        network would  encourage  operators  to   established by the nation and governed by   focus on LTE.

        FCC Plans Vote on Open RAN Review

        Acting Federal Communications Commission (FCC) head Jessica
        Rosenworcel proposed  an  inquiry  into open  RAN to establish
        what the agency’s role should be in promoting the approach. The
        proposed review would seek views from the industry on the current
        status of global open RAN deployments; the role of emerging and
        incumbent vendors, and the FCC in standards setting; challenges
        involving testing, integration  and deployment; and establishing
        a competitive market. Rosenworcel stated a fuller investigation
        would  allow  the  FCC  to  “compile  a  record  about  how  we  can
        secure our vulnerable supply chains once and for all, and revitalize   government fund open RAN development, and that the FCC could
        the nation’s 5G leadership and innovation”. A vote on the proposal   establish a testing environment and incentivize operators to use
        is  set for next month. Rosenworcel previously suggested  the   the approach to replace equipment deemed not to be trustworthy.

        Morocco, Luxembourg Sign Memorandum on Digital Transition

        Morocco  and Luxembourg have signed  a   for both countries.” This partnership also   In the  industry sector, Digital Morocco
        Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to   paves the way for collaboration  between   2020 seeks to connect 20% of Moroccan
        cooperate  on digital transition projects,   the  GovTech  Lab of the Luxembourg   small  to  medium  enterprises  (SME).  By
        particularly in  the areas  of electronic   Ministry  of  Digitalization  and  the  digitizing the economy sector, the ministry
        government  (e-gov), digital inclusion,   Moroccan Digital Development Agency in   hopes  to attract foreign  investment  and
        and infrastructure. Morocco’s Minister of   the field of innovation and modernization   to encourage business owners by limiting
        Industry, Trade, and Investment,  Moulay   of digital public services. Morocco’s Digital   administrative obstacles.  With the  newly
        Hafid  Elalamy,  and  Luxembourg’s  Deputy   Development Agency implemented a new   signed  memorandum,  Luxembourg and
        Minister  of  Digitalization, Marc  Hansen   strategy to further develop the country’s   Morocco  appear determined  to work
        signed  the  agreement  Monday during  a   e-governance  as  well as  e-commerce.   toward furthering their evolving economic
        videoconference.  Within the framework   Digital Morocco 2020, “fosters the digital   cooperation.  In 2020, Luxembourg’s
        of   this  partnership,  Luxembourg  ambitions  of  the  kingdom,”  explained   government  opened  a  Trade  and
        and Morocco  intend  to share their   Moulay Hafid Elalamy. This initiative aims   Investment  Office  (LTIO)  in  Casablanca.
        experience  and  expertise  in  the  field  of   to accelerate  Morocco’s digital transition   The office, the very first in Africa, will help
        digitalization. Hansen expressed  a  joint   and to position the country as  “the   identify opportunities in Morocco  and
        ambition  to  collaborate  in  the  fields   leading African digital hub.” The strategy’s   more widely in  Africa for Luxembourg
        of data  interoperability,  training for   objective is to put  50% of administrative   companies  from different  sectors.  It  will
        digital inclusion,  and developing  digital   procedures  online while reducing  the   also support Moroccan  investors and
        infrastructures. The minister specified that   digital divide by 50%. According to Elalamy,   companies  to access  Luxembourg as  a
        the agreement “marks the beginning of a   the digitalization of administrative services   European gateway.
        mutual collaboration  that  will  contribute   will achieve better productivity and reduce
        to  a  mutually  beneficial  digital  transition   the costs for administrative services.

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