Page 59 - SAMENA Trends - April 2020
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        One Satellite Services Another in Orbit for the First Time

        The  Intelsat  901  has  returned  to  service   its communications  antenna  and solar   other  satellites by not  only  dealing with
        less than two months  after its  historic   arrays in the right direction. The result of   navigation but also providing inspections
        docking  with  Northrop  Grumman's  first   this is that many satellites that are still   and maintenance. A second MEV, MEV-2,
        Mission  Extension  Vehicle  (MEV-1).  perfectly good in all other respects have to   is  scheduled  to rendezvous with Intelsat
        Intelsat  announced that  the 19-year-old   be sent into a disposal orbit and shutdown.   1002 later this year. "Our partnership
        communications satellite is now operating   This  would  have  been  the  case  with   with  Intelsat  was  critical to  delivering
        in its  new orbit after MEV-1  took over   Intelsat 901 after 19 years of relaying data   this  innovative  satellite  technology
        attitude and orbital maintenance in March.   transmissions, but MEV has provided the   into  operation,"  says  Tom  Wilson,  vice
        When the MEV-1 docked with Intelsat 901   satellite with a reprieve. In February, MEV-  president,  Northrop Grumman  Space
        on February 25 it marked the opening of a   1 used a drogue mechanism to lock onto   Systems and president,  SpaceLogistics,
        new field of space services. Not only was   the satellite and pull itself in to dock over   LLC. "This historic event, highlighted by the
        it the first time two commercial spacecraft   Intel 901's now-inoperative main thruster.   first in-orbit rendezvous and docking of two
        docked in geostationary  orbit, but it  was   After system checks and various tests,   commercial satellites and the subsequent
        also introduced  a new  way of looking  at   MEV-1  took  over the navigation chores   repositioning of the two-spacecraft stack,
        the active lifespan of orbital satellites.   for the  new  spacecraft  stack, shifting  its   demonstrates the business value that MEV
        Currently, satellites have depressingly   orbit by 1.6 degrees and moving it into a   offers to customers. Now that MEV-1 has
        short and expensive service lives. In most   new position. Intelsat then transferred 30   successfully  delivered on its  mission to
        cases, this  isn't  due to  the spacecraft   commercial  and  government  customers   place  the Intelsat  901 satellite back into
        experiencing  a general  breakdown  of   to the reactivated satellite on April 9.  It   operational  service, we will  continue  to
        systems but rather the failure of one key   will  remain  attached  to  Intel  901  for  five   pioneer  the  future of on-orbit servicing
        component.  Usually,  this  component  is   years before sending the communications   through  our  multi-year  technology
        the craft  running  out of  the propellants   satellite into its final disposal orbit. MEV-  roadmap leading to additional  services
        needed to keep it on station and pointing   1 will  then  be available for servicing   such as inspection, assembly, and repair."

        Inmarsat Supports Aid and NGO Sector During COVID-19 Crisis

        Inmarsat, the world leader in global, mobile   the  30MB  monthly  allowance,  delivering   days at the same cost as the ‘GSPS 00050’
        satellite communications, has announced   significant  cost  savings  for  the  typical   voucher that has a 30 day validity period.
        that it will provide further enhanced support   user.  To  support  Isatphone  2  pre-paid   Additionally  for the  Isatphone  2 GSPS
        to the vital aid and NGO sector during the   users,  Inmarsat  will  introduce a  ‘GSPS   Standard  plan, a  50%  discount  on calls
        COVID-19 pandemic. These new initiatives   00075 Emergency’ voucher including 50%   over the monthly limit will be applied.
        will enable enhanced offerings across both   more airtime allowance and a validity of 90
        platforms and come as a direct response
        to the additional challenges caused by the
        COVID-19 pandemic, ensuring emergency
        responders can continue delivering critical
        aid and relief. Inmarsat’s Broadband Global
        Area  Network  (BGAN)  and  Isatphone  2
        services are crucial connectivity  tools
        for land-based organizations, especially
        for  aid  agencies  and  NGOs.  The  new
        initiatives  include enabling  Inmarsat’s
        BGAN  Link  plan  for  usage  globally.  This
        means that the  normally static, geo-
        specific  service  can  offer  organizations
        the  capability to operate  cost-effectively
        and without complexity  within a  wider
        geographic  range as  they  carry  out their
        vital  operations.  Inmarsat  will  also offer
        its  BGAN  Pro  Plan,  with  a  new  discount
        of 50% on the cost of any data used over

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