Page 58 - SAMENA Trends - April 2020
P. 58


        USAF's Space Surveillance Telescope Move to Western Australia

        In partnership with the Australian Ministry   regime. First light is a significant milestone   testing  regime  before  officially  entering
        of Defense, the U.S. Space Force’s (USSF)   in meeting  this objective.  It means that   service  in 2022.  Once  operational,  the
        Space  and Missile Systems Center’s   course  alignment of the telescope  optics   SST will become part of the global Space
        (SMC) Space Surveillance Telescope (SST)   with  the  wide  field  of  view  camera  has   Surveillance  Network, providing Space
        Program recently achieved “first light” on   been completed to allow the first images of   Domain Awareness for the United States,
        March  5, 2020, reaching  a key milestone   objects in orbit to be seen by the telescope.   Australia  and  their  key  allies.  The  Royal
        after it was moved from White Sands Missile   The  collaboration  and  installation  of  the   Australian Air Force will operate SST with
        Range,  New  Mexico, to  Harold  E.  Holt   SST  in  Australia  included  the  successful   oversight  and management  by the USSF
        Naval Communications Station in Western   completion  of  an  Australian  purpose-  21st  Space Wing once  the telescope
        Australia.  Moving  the  SST  to  Australia   built facility  with mission-enabling site   is  operational.  Gordon  Kordyak,  SMC
        satisfied  a  critical  objective  to  improve   infrastructure and a  2-Megawatt  Central   Special  Programs  Directorate Space
        the broader USSF  Space Surveillance   Power Station for powering the telescope   Domain Awareness Division Chief  said
        Network’s  ground-based  electro-optical   and  the  site.    Moving  forward,  SST  will   this key Space Domain Awareness, or SDA,
        coverage  of the geosynchronous space   undergo a comprehensive integration and   partnership  builds on the long history  of
                                                                                 close defense space cooperation between
                                                                                 the United States and Australia and has
                                                                                 been  a  cornerstone  of our continued
                                                                                 alliance. Lani Smith, SMC Special Programs
                                                                                 Directorate  Deputy Director  added  that
                                                                                 whether  it  is  space  traffic  management
                                                                                 or the protection and defense  of critical
                                                                                 space-based   capabilities,  delivering
                                                                                 sensors  that continuously  improve our
                                                                                 ability to maintain real-time awareness of
                                                                                 the space domain is essential to facilitate
                                                                                 the  broader  needs  of both  the U.S.  and
                                                                                 Australia.  The  SST  program,  which  is
                                                                                 a  jointly operated program,  represents
                                                                                 delivery  of our next iteration of  sensing
                                                                                 capability to meet this need.

        FCC Approves Ligado’s L-Band Network Plan

        The  FCC  unanimously  approved  Ligado’s   and Democratic lawmakers and Pentagon   determining that a terrestrial network can
        application  to deploy  a  low-power   officials  came  out  against  the  proposal,   be deployed in the L-band to advance our
        terrestrial  nationwide network  in  the   as  Defense  Daily  reported.  The  FCC   country’s economic and security interests
        L-band to support 5G and Internet  of   said  specifically  that  Ligado’s  downlink   while fully protecting  GPS. Our spectrum
        Things  services  (IoT).  The  Commission’s   operations  will  be at  a  power level 99%   can be very instrumental in the transition
        announcement  came  on  Monday after   reduced from what the company proposed   to 5G, and we look forward to utilizing
        Chairman Ajit Pai circulated a draft order   in 2015.  In addition, Ligado is  required   satellite and terrestrial services to deploy
        last  week to approve Ligado’s proposal.   to protect adjacent band incumbents   customized  private networks and  deliver
        Various stakeholders including  the U.S.   by  reporting its  base station locations   innovative,  next-generation  IoT  solutions
        Department of Defense (DoD),  the GPS   and technical operating  parameters to   for the  industrial sector,”  Smith said in
        Innovation Alliance  (GPSIA), and Iridium   potentially affected government and   a  statement. GPSIA Executive  Director
        opposed  the FCC’s  draft order  because   industry stakeholders, monitor the transmit   J. David Grossman said in a Monday
        such a network could negatively interfere   power of its base station sites, and respond   statement that the organization is “deeply
        with  Global Positioning System (GPS)   to credible reports of interference.  Ligado   disappointed”  by  the FCC’s  decision and
        receivers, but the FCC said that conditions   President and CEO Doug Smith thanked the   will be reviewing the restrictions on Ligado
        to its approval will ensure those operations   FCC for “promptly” approving the order. “We   to prevent interference.
        are protected from interference. After the   greatly appreciate their unanimous support
        draft order was circulated, both Republican   as well as the expert engineering analysis

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