Page 61 - SAMENA Trends - April 2020
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        Inmarsat and APEX Join Forces to Connect Aviation Industry during Global

        Crisis with Online Broadcast Event

        Inmarsat, the world leader in global, mobile   into the Future’ will examine  the  current   Delta Air Lines CEO Ed Bastian, and Virgin
        satellite communications,  has  joined   state of the aviation market and the   Atlantic COO Juha Järvinen. Trade bodies
        forces with APEX, the leading international   latest predictions  for recovery, while also   speaking at the event include Air Transport
        airline association dedicated to advancing   driving  debate  on  wider  industry issues,   Action  Group  (ATAG),  Airline  Passenger
        passenger  experience,  to connect  the   from next  generation  passenger trends   Experience  Association (APEX), European
        global aviation  industry  during  the most   and the future of air travel technology  to   Space Agency (ESA), and International Air
        challenging  time in its  history.  A unique   short and long-term solutions for tackling   Transport  Association  (IATA).  Ecosystem
        online broadcast event, to be held on 29th   aviation sustainability.  In addition, the   partners  featured include  Airbus, Collins
        April, will  bring together  aviation  leaders,   livestreamed event will include global and   Aerospace, Deutsche Telekom, Honeywell,
        experts and analysts to debate the critical   regional news updates, as well as a state   Panasonic Avionics, and  Rolls  Royce.
        questions  facing the industry  today  and   of the industry analysis. Keynotes featured   Media partners include Air Transport World
        looking ahead to the challenges the entire   at the event  will include  airlines leaders   (ATW),  APEX  Media,  Inflight  Magazine,
        aviation sector will face. Charting a Course   such as Avianca CEO Anko van der Werff,, and Simple Flying.  Philip
                                                                                 Balaam,  President  of  Inmarsat  Aviation,
                                                                                 said: “The global aviation industry is facing
                                                                                 its darkest hour, with COVID-19 having far
                                                                                 reaching implications for airlines, air travel
                                                                                 infrastructure and the broad ecosystem
                                                                                 that supports them. According to the latest
                                                                                 guidance by IATA, passenger revenues and
                                                                                 traffic are both expected to halve in 2020
                                                                                 compared to last  year.  Aviation leaders
                                                                                 and experts  will  take part  in  FlightPlan
                                                                                 to discuss  pertinent  topics  such as  the
                                                                                 crisis, uncertainty  around the timeframe
                                                                                 for disruption and recovery, the long-term
                                                                                 economic impact, and how we can improve
                                                                                 resilience and accelerate recovery.”

        Comtech Achieves Key ISO 27001 Data Security Re-Certification for Public

        Comtech  Telecommunications  Corp.,  a   the prescribed ISO standards to ensure a   assets. ISO 27001 certification also gives
        world leader in secure and highly reliable   secure environment and work  processes   Comtech, its customers, shareholders and
        communication  technology, announced   that enable  it to protect  its intellectual   partners  added  confidence  that  Comtech
        that  its  Safety  &  Security  Technologies   property  and assets, meet contractual   subscribes to the best information security
        (SST)  group,  which  is  part  of  Comtech’s   security obligations and establish a robust   practices in the industry. “This ISO 27001
        Commercial  Solutions segment, has   risk  assessment/treatment  framework,   re-certification is a reflection of Comtech’s
        obtained  re-certification  of  its  ISO  27001   which are critical to supporting its Public   commitment to the quality of its Information
        designation. The ISO 27001 Data Security   Safety  customers.  The  certification  is  a   Security  Management  System,” said
        Standard is widely recognized as the blue-  key  indicator of Comtech’s  program to   Fred  Kornberg,  Chairman  of  the  Board
        chip standard for protection of individual,   protect  vital  customer  data from a wide   and  Chief  Executive  Officer  of  Comtech
        customer, and company  private and   range of cyber threats and vulnerabilities   Telecommunications  Corp.  “Successfully
        sensitive information. To meet ISO 27001   that  can  lead to  data  loss.  It  provides   completing  the  rigorous  certification
        standards, a  company must show it  has   third-party verification that the Company's   process  demonstrates  Comtech’s  effort
        a  systematic  and ongoing  approach to   Information Security Management System   to  safeguard  the information assets  and
        managing sensitive company and customer   conforms to a standard that helps protect   intellectual property of our Company and
        information. Comtech has  implemented   the integrity of customers'  information   our Public Safety clients.”

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