Page 54 - SAMENA Trends - April 2020
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        data  network.  The  QoS  flow  is  the  finest   effectively, making it economic to provide   offer network slices on a wholesale basis,
        granularity of QoS differentiation  in the   network slicing-based services that today   allowing third  parties  to  sell  them on to
        PDU  session.  User  plane  traffic  with  the   are limited to niche use cases.  enterprise users in addition to some value-
        same  QoS  flow  receives  the  same  traffic                            added services.  However,  the risk  here
        forwarding treatment (e.g.,  scheduling,    In a recent Heavy Reading survey, we asked   –  like  in  the  case  of  IoT  –  is  that  MNOs
        admission threshold, etc.). 3GPP’s 5G QoS   CSPs where they saw the value in network   become  relegated to dumb  network slice
        indicator defines for a given flow:   slicing. Surprisingly, the top response was   vendors  while the value-added  services
        •  Priority level: 11-66             cost reduction. Around 40% of respondents   are captured by third parties.
        •  Packet delay budget: 5-300 ms • Packet   said it would  positively affect revenue.
          error rate: 10-2 to 10-6           Fifteen percent  of respondents  were    Network slicing should enable operators to
        •  Maximum data burst: 160-1,358 bytes  sceptical  that  there  was  any  quantifiable   be more agile, launch customized services
                                             value.                              more quickly (e.g., for a music festival or
           Operators       could     offer     Adopting  network slicing  rather  than   sports  tournament),  and target  smaller
                                                                                 opportunities. Slicing enables  isolation
           network      slices    on     a   building  dedicated networks for  different   during  service deployment and reduces
           wholesale  basis, allowing        service types would certainly  generate  a   interoperability testing, thereby  enabling
           third parties to  sell  them      cost  savings.  But  implementing  network   faster launches. However, the operator will
                                                                                 need to develop an ecosystem of partners
                                             slicing is unlikely to lead to any significant
           on  to enterprise  users in       cost savings compared with today’s one-  to exploit such short-lived or small
           addition  to some value-          size-fits-all  network.  Dedicated  slices   opportunities.
                                             for service types could  increase overall
           added  services.  However,        network  efficiency.  For  example,  an  IoT   In  the initial  phase of network  slicing,
           the  risk here – like in the      slice for smart meters would not need the   operators  are likely to launch  a handful
                                                                                 of  slice  types  (e.g.,  eMBB,  URLLC,  and
                                             mobility and IP  Multimedia  Subsystem
           case of IoT – is that MNOs        (IMS) capabilities of the network. But the   mMTC)  with  multiple  tenants  per  slice.
           become relegated to dumb          cost savings potential seems marginal.  Over time, the number  of slice types
           network      slice    vendors        So where is the new revenue going to come   should increase and become more service
                                                                                 specific  (e.g.,  video  gaming  and  smart
           while     the    value-added      from? The idea is that rather than simply   meter  connectivity). Eventually, we could
           services are captured by          selling buckets of bytes with a few service-  see  application-specific  slicing  (e.g.,
                                             level agreements  (SLAs – for enterprise
                                                                                 Netflix video  streaming),  although  this
           third parties.                    customers),  mobile network operators   could  run into net neutrality restrictions
                                             (MNOs)  will be able to market highly   in some  countries.  Vodafone  UK’s  chief
        For each PDU  session,  the  Network   differentiated “slices” of network capacity.   technology  officer  (CTO),  Scott  Petty,
        Slice  Selection Assistance  Information   These  must  be  carefully  priced  and   recently commented that, "If net neutrality
        (S-NSSAI)  is carried  from the core to   positioned  to make them more  attractive   is  applied, the whole premise of  network
        the  radio  access  network  (RAN).  The   to the enterprise than basic connectivity   slicing will fall apart."
        RAN will use the slice identity  to ensure   plans  –  yet  more  profitable  for  the
        consistency between the QoS and network   operator. Organizations that might benefit   It  is even  feasible  to have customer-
        slice,  including  the  resource  allocation   from a dedicated slice include emergency   specific  slices  that  are  fully  configurable
        and scheduling  policy, etc. As such,  the   services, healthcare, and industrial plants.   via  a  portal.  Enterprise  customers  could
        key difference  between  QoS and network   Another  obvious  opportunity for  network   specify their necessary data rate, latency,
        slicing is  that  traditional QoS is  only   slicing is in the wholesale/MVNO market.   reliability,  and security.  An automotive
        applied in the core network whereas with   Operators could offer network slices on a   manufacturer might  want a URLLC slice
        network slicing, this flow-based  quality   wholesale  basis, allowing these  must be   for  autonomous  vehicles,  an  eMBB  slice
        differentiation  is  carried  all  the way   carefully priced and positioned  to make   for in-car entertainment, and a mMTC slice
        through to the RAN.                  them more attractive to the enterprise   for vehicle diagnostics.
                                             than basic connectivity plans – yet more
        Once mature, network slicing should   profitable  for  the  operator.  Organizations   By  moving  away  from  the  one-size-fits
        have much  greater automation thanks   that  might  benefit  from  a  dedicated  slice   all  approach of current networks, slicing
        to orchestration platforms such  as   include  emergency services,  healthcare,   should allow operators to be more creative
        Open  Networking  Automation Platform   and industrial  plants.  Another  obvious   in  their service offerings. Slicing should
        (ONAP;  see  here).  This  should  enable   opportunity for network slicing is in the   maximize their revenue potential while still
        network slicing to be delivered more cost-  wholesale/MVNO market. Operators could   using the same underlying infrastructure.

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