Page 60 - SAMENA Trends - April 2020
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        Smallsat Launch Delays Prompt Push for Greater Standardization

        A study that found that every small satellite   of launch delay causes  than what a  lot   launch,  but we’re committed  to the idea,
        launched  commercially  in  the  last  five   of  people  might  assume,”  he  said.  The   with standardization, of decreasing that
        years suffered delays  is  evidence of the   survey found that 40% of delays were due   time  significantly,  to  a  matter  of  weeks,”
        need of greater standardization in payload   to payloads, including those of the primary   he said.  Such  standardization already
        accommodations  so  that  smallsats  can   payload on launches  where smallsats   exists for cubesats, most of which  use
        easily switch vehicles,  one  company   were flying as secondary payloads. Issues   deployers that can be easily moved from
        argues.  The  study,  conducted  by  Bryce   related to  launch vehicles  accounted  for   one launch vehicle to another. Spaceflight
        Space and Technology and released April   34%  of  delays,  but  most  of  those  were   wants to try to extend standardization to
        22, found that all 1,078 smallsats — defined   caused by  launch vehicle  development   larger smallsats. “Locking in the electrical
        as  weighing  less  than  600  kilograms  —   and manufacturing delays, rather  that   interfaces, standardizing the mechanical
        launched  commercially  in  the  last  five   delays caused  by vehicle  anomalies.   interfaces, and  standardizing  how a
        years suffered delays ranging from days to   Most of the rest of the delays were due to   spacecraft needs to be processed is really
        years for a variety of reasons. The median   administrative or programmatic issues,   key,” he said.  One reason for delays  that
        launch delay for the smallsats included in   or changes  in  the International Space   emerged  since  the  Bryce  report  is  linked
        the  study  is  128  days.  A  little  more  than   Station manifest for those smallsats being   to the ongoing  coronavirus pandemic.
        150 smallsats had delays of no more than   launched  from the  station. Whatever the   Bonin  said  that  several  launch  providers
        two weeks, but a similar number suffered   reason, delays can cause serious problems   it works with, including  Arianespace,
        delays of at least one and a half years. The   for many  of Spaceflight’s  customers.   the Indian Space Research Organization
        fact that so many smallsats have suffered   “The  facts  of  life  have  always  been  that   and Rocket Lab, are encountering delays
        launch delays  is  not surprising.  “We’ve   launches  are  delayed, and  that  can be   because  of lockdowns that  have halted
        always  known anecdotally  that  launch   extremely punishing on businesses who   launch activities. It’s not clear when those
        moves to the right,” said Grant Bonin, vice   need satellites in space,” Bonin said. “A day   launches  will  resume,  although the New
        president  of business development at   of slip in launch is a day they’re not making   Zealand government backed down from its
        Spaceflight,  which arranges launches  of   money off the  asset because  it’s not in   highest  coronavirus alert  level this week,
        smallsats on a variety of rockets, in an April   space.”He argued that the fact that many   allowing some increased business activity.
        28 interview. “What we hadn’t really done   delays are caused  by primary payload or   He predicted a surge in launch activity once
        yet is attempt  to quantify  just how likely   launch  vehicles issues underscores the   those providers can resume launches and
        delays  are.” Spaceflight  commissioned   importance  of having more standardized   address their backlog. Demand for future
        the Bryce study to both quantify the delays   approaches to accommodating smallsats,   launches, though, may be depressed. “With
        and identify  their causes. “I  think some   so  that  they  can  be easily  remanifested   the customer base right now, we’re seeing
        of that data was eye-opening as well,   from one launch vehicle to another. “That’s   a  lot  of  people  taking  a  deep  breath and
        because it reflects a different distribution   something  we can do months before   putting themselves on pause,” he said.

        Nanosatellite Initiative Planned for Mexico

        Nanosatellite manufacturer and mission   space missions  designed  and built  by   over 75  successful satellite missions
        integrator NanoAvionics, together with the   Mexico’s  youth.  The  project,  starting  in   and commercial projects  during the past
        Mexican Space Agency (AEM), is planning   September  2020, is, says NanoAvionics,   several  years.  NanoAvionics’ engineers
        to  introduce  a  nanosatellite pilot project   a  testimony to the importance of space   will share their space mission experience
        for future space missions. Working with   applications  enabled  by nanosatellites,   and help  the students and faculty  at  the
        students  from the Polytechnic  University   which are  rapidly  becoming  essential   Polytechnic  University of Atlacomulco  to
        of  Atlacomulco,  the  first  development   to national economies. NanoAvionics is   develop  the  AtlaCom-1.  The  company’s
        planned  by  the  project partners  will  be   a nano-satellite bus manufacturer and   multi-purpose  nanosatellite buses are
        a  nanosatellite  for the State  of  Mexico,   mission integrator. The company’s efforts   pre-configured and pre-qualified, allowing
        the most  populous state in the country,   are focused on  enabling  critical  satellite   mission teams to focus on their payloads.
        which is located in South-Central Mexico.   functions  and optimizing  their launch,   As a result, says NanoAvionics, technology
        Building the nanosatellite – the AtlaCom-1   hardware and operation  costs  – ranging   development missions can produce results
        – is part of a pilot project  to establish   from single missions to constellations. Its   quicker and satellite constellations can
        a nanosatellite infrastructure for future   core engineering team  has  implemented   enter commercial service much faster.

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