Page 56 - SAMENA Trends - April 2020
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                                                SATELLITE NEWS

        COMSAT Inks Deal with ABS to Enhance C- and Ku-Band US Connectivity
        Solutions on ABS-3A

        COMSAT    Inc.,   the   global   satellite   and customers to effectively maximize   integrate  ground networks  with satellites
        connectivity solutions provider, has ratified   the capabilities of space-based assets to   globally.  “As  an  ABSPlus  participant  we
        an agreement with ABS, a global satellite   optimize essential mission communication   will supplement an already impressive set
        operator, to enhance  and strengthen  the   systems  and  ensure  on-time  and  of high standard technology companies in
        COMSAT  global  network.    The  addition   seamless operations, no matter how   the ABSPlus family, and plan to add value
        of  the  ABS-3A  satellite  to  the  COMSAT   complex.  This  new  agreement  with  ABS   to the collective efficiency and reliability of
        Southbury, Connecticut  teleport services   ensures we continue to do that.” COMSAT   network delivery.  We are extremely excited
        bolsters  its  reach  throughout  the  will  participate  in  the  ABSPlus  program,   to be part of such  a powerful offering,”
        Americas,  Europe, North Africa and the   which aggregates teleport infrastructures   adds Faletra.
        Middle East to provide more resilient and   from around  the world to seamlessly
        robust connectivity  solutions  through
        its  terrestrial  fiber  pathways.  A  14.2M
        antenna  delivering  C-band  services
        and a 9M antenna,  providing  Ku-band
        services, have been  allocated  to support
        the new partnership.  As demand  for
        data  transmission increases globally the
        agreement  focuses  on providing multiple
        service options and strengthened satellite
        connectivity to deliver increased amounts
        of data, video,  mobility, and government
        applications  between  the U.S.  and
        international  markets. “Connecting with
        ABS-3A  gives  us  augmented  access  to
        additional international  markets  from  our
        east  coast  ground station  to  support  a
        wider variety of data, content contribution,
        broadcast and distribution video services,”
        says  Director  of  Teleport  Services,  Chris
        Faletra. “Our mission is to enable partners

        U.S. Space Force’s TETRA-1 Satellite is Ready for Launch

        Millennium  Space  Systems,  a  Boeing   Center’s  Space  Enterprise Consortium   a key enabler for executing programs on a
        subsidiary,  designed,  manufactured,  Other Transaction Authority (OTA) charter.    tight schedule.  “The pace set on TETRA-1
        assembled, and  integrated  the U.S.   The  satellite  has  successfully  completed   from contract award through readiness to
        Space  Force  TETRA-1  satellite  in  15   its environmental and full functional tests   launch represents what Boeing does best
        months,  which the company  said is  60%   after  integration, and is  now  manifested   for our national security customers,” said
        faster  than  previous  missions.  TETRA-1   on a  SpaceX Falcon Heavy  rocket  for   Mark  Cherry,  vice president  and general
        is a microsatellite created  for various   scheduled launch in late 2020. Millennium   manager of Boeing Phantom Works. “Our
        prototype  missions in and around    said in an April 21 release that most of the   lean Millennium team was up to the task,
        Geostationary Orbit (GEO). It was the first   TETRA-1  components  were  completed   building  and delivering  a fully tested  and
        prototype award under  the U.S.  Space   with in-house capabilities, demonstrating   verified satellite in record time.”
        Force’s  Space  and Missile  Systems   that organically developed capabilities are

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