Page 64 - SAMENA Trends - April 2020
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        Intelsat 901 Satellite Returns to Service Using Northrop Grumman’s Mission

        Extension Vehicle

        Intelsat has announced  that Intelsat   February rendezvous, MEV-1 has assumed   orbital slot and providing  full service  to
        901 has returned  to service  following   navigation of the combined  spacecraft   Intelsat customers. Intelsat views life-
        the  successful  docking  with  the  first   stack reducing its inclination by 1.6° and   extension  services, like MEV  technology,
        Mission Extension Vehicle  (MEV-1) from   relocating IS-901 to its new orbital location.   as  a  cost-effective  and  efficient  way  to
        Northrop Grumman  Corporation  and the   Intelsat then transitioned roughly 30 of its   minimize service disruptions, enhance the
        company’s   wholly-owned  subsidiary,  commercial  and  government  customers   overall flexibility of its  satellite  fleet and
        SpaceLogistics LLC, on February 25 – the   to  the  satellite  on  April  2.  The  transition   better  support the evolving  needs of its
        first time that two commercial spacecraft   of service took approximately six  hours.   customers.
        docked  in geostationary orbit. Since  the   IS-901  is  now  operating  at  the  332.5°E

        CAT Keen to Operate Thaicom 4, 6

        CAT Telecom has expressed its readiness   submitted to the cabinet for approval soon,   capacity to serve 16 million subscriptions
        to  take  control  of  satellites  Thaicom  4   said  CAT  Telecom  President  Sanpachai   of broadcasting services. Its lifespan runs
        and  6  after  Thaicom's  satellite  operating   Huvanandana, adding:  "We are waiting   until 2029.  According to Col Sanpachai,
        concession  ends  in  September next   for the formal approval from the cabinet".   CAT Telecom is in talks with three partners
        year.  The  state  telecom  enterprise  said   "CAT is now ready to handle the task," Col   to run business in relation to satellites in
        it  will  assign  24  staff  to  attend  a  one-  Sanpachai  said.  The  company  would  be   low earth orbit (LEO). There are more than
        year satellite training course under   responsible  for asset management and   600 LEO satellites to be leveraged globally.
        the  collaboration  with  Thaicom  from   operations  of  national  orbital slots  with   CAT  would  provide  satellite  gateway
        September  to  ensure  the seamless   efficient  capability  and  security.  He  said   stations or earth stations to these  LEO
        continuity of the two satellites' operation.   CAT  Telecom  has  drawn  up  a  national   satellites as  well as  act as  a marketing
        The  move  follows  a  recent  resolution   satellite  management plan, which was   arm  for  the  LEO  satellites,  he  said.  The
        by  the National Digital Economy and   presented  to  the National  Space  Policy   LEO satellites can be used to support 5G
        Society  Committee (NDESC) to approve   Board and the NDESC on April 10. The plan   network  development,  he  said.  Thaicom
        CAT  Telecom  serving  as  the  sole  agency   covers CAT's preparation for management   Chief Executive  Anant Kaewruamvongs
        in handling the operations  and assets in   of satellite-related business and services.   said the  company  is also waiting  for the
        connection  with  the satellite concession   Thaicom  4  has  an  engineering  lifespan   formal resolution from the cabinet  about
        due to  expire  next  year.  Previously,  the   and fuel power until 2022, Col Sanpachai   the two satellites' management. Thaicom
        Digital  Economy  and Society  (DES)   said.  Its 119.5  orbital slot is location  of   earlier submitted  a  proposal to  the DES
        Ministry planned to draft terms of reference   high potential to support Thai and foreign   Mministry,  seeking a  partnership with
        (ToR)  to  seek  companies  to  operate  and   customers. A  drone will  be deployed to   CAT under the PPP model to operate the
        make use of the assets under the public-  refuel  the satellite and in the future a   satellites. When asked about the proposal
        private  partnership  (PPP)  model.  But  the   new satellite may have to be acquired   by  the  Bangkok  Post,  he  refused  to
        move was later scrapped and the NDESC   to  replace it  through a  cooperation  with   discuss the matter. Thaicom adheres to its
        agreed  that  CAT  Telecom  would  be  the   partners,  he  said.  Thaicom  6,  which  is   existing  concession condition, including
        sole agency to  handle the operation of   at  78.5  East,  is  located  in  a  so-called   transferring related satellite assets to the
        the two satellites after the concession   hot bird position with high  potential and   state after the concession contract ends,
        expires.  Such  a  resolution  would be   business  value. It  is operating in full   Mr. Anant said.

        Tricolor Launches Satellite Broadband Services in Siberia

        Russia’s leading pay-TV operator Tricolor   reception  equipment to  receive  unlimited   stereotype of satellite internet being slow
        and Eutelsat Networks have made their   internet  with  download speeds  of up to   and expensive.  Reception  equipment, for
        satellite internet service  available in   40Mbps.  Through  this  they  will  also  be   instance,  is being offered  at  the  special
        Siberia. According to Tricolor, residents of   able to access such services as Tricolor’s   price  of  R9,990  (€123.7).  Tricolor  has
        the region, including those in Novosibirsk,   online  platform  through  the  free  Tricolor   operated a satellite internet service since
        Omsk,  Krasnoyarsk,  Barnaul,  Irkutsk,   Cinema  and  TV  application.  Tricolor   September 2016.
        Tomsk and Kemerovo, can now purchase   also says that the  service  breaks the
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