Page 38 - SAMENA Trends - April 2020
P. 38


        Tech Mahindra  and  Innoveo  Drive Digital  Transformation  to  Enhance

        Customer Experience Globally in Insurance Banking and Wealth Management

        Tech  Mahindra  Ltd.  a  leading  provider   technical  talent  with  the necessary   of new products  in real time; help  them
        of digital  transformation,  consulting and   coding  expertise, and the critical need   trade  financial  and  insurance  products
        business reengineering  services and   to accelerate innovation and enable   through multiple distribution channels, and
        solutions,  with  Innoveo,  a  Zurich  based   new business models in  order  to  grow   improve  efficiency  of  processes  like  risk
        leading  technology software provider,   and  succeed  financially.  Tech  Mahindra   assessment, insurance  policies,  banking
        have announced that the enterprises will   and Innoveo will  jointly offer innovative   products,  policy  lifecycle,  customer
        partner to  drive digital  transformation to   solutions  to companies  struggling  with   advisory, servicing and claims resolution.”
        enhance  customer experience  globally   competitive market demands  and critical   Today’s customers are demanding nimble,
        in   Insurance,   Banking   and   Wealth   antiquated  legacy systems. Gautam   reliable and efficient technologies to deliver
        Management.  Through  this  partnership,   Bhasin,  Global  Head  Banking,  Financial   engaging  customer experiences, mobile
        they  will  leverage  No-Code  Platforms  to   Services  and  Insurance,  Tech  Mahindra,   applications and digital channels. Innoveo
        accelerate  the launch  of custom-built   said,  “As  part  of  our  TechMNxt  charter,   Skye® empowers businesses  with the
        applications for their collective network of   we  at  Tech  Mahindra  are  committed  to   ability to launch powerful applications up
        clients without software coding in real-time   enabling our customers to digitalize their   to ten times faster than the conventional
        across all  banking, wealth management   journey and provide enhanced experiences   development  process. Innoveo  Skye®
        and  insurance  sectors.  Today’s  business   to  customers.  Through  our  partnership   is  fast  and  flexible,  enabling  financial
        models are faced with maturing markets   with  Innoveo,  Tech  Mahindra  will  enable   businesses  and carriers  to go to market
        combined   with  millennial  demands  digitalization of sales and distribution   with new products in a matter of weeks.
        for engaging experiences,  scarcity  of   channels for enterprises to ensure launch

                                             Thuraya  MarineStar  Becomes  a  Major  Success


        Thuraya,  the  mobile  satellite  services   Asian  maritime  markets.  This  versatile   Thuraya  MarineStar  in  late  2019,  we
        subsidiary of the  UAE-based global   solution  was  sold out within a  month   were sure we had a winner on our hands.
        satellite company, Yahsat, has announced   after its launch and first installations have   For the cost-conscious  user who has
        that Thuraya MarineStar, its best in class,   been  made successfully.  Due to  robust   to abide  by  a  tight budget,  this feature-
        affordable  maritime voice  solution with   demand from fisheries, Thuraya’s Service   rich voice solution offers a  wide range
        advanced two-way tracking and monitoring   Partners are now placing new bulk orders   of value  add-ons  at  an affordable price,”
        capabilities is a bestseller, especially in the   for the hardware units. “When we launched   said  Shawkat  Ahmed,  Thuraya’s  Chief
                                                                                 Commercial  Officer.  He  continued,  “We
                                                                                 have seen  products  that had ambitious
                                                                                 launches,  but are still  unfortunately  out
                                                                                 of reach due to total  cost of ownership.
                                                                                 Thuraya  MarineStar  is  an  unprecedented
                                                                                 success, because it meets all the essential
                                                                                 requirements in  terms  of connectivity,
                                                                                 safety, flexibility and affordability.” As an
                                                                                 entry-level  solution,  Thuraya  MarineStar
                                                                                 is  built on the  same  successful  voice
                                                                                 platform that  has  sold more than one
                                                                                 million  Thuraya  satellite  voice  devices.
                                                                                 Since  it enables tracking and monitoring,
                                                                                 in  addition to  voice communications,
                                                                                 vessel operators  do not have to invest
                                                                                 more in their tracking systems or a brand
                                                                                 new tracking application.

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