Page 24 - SAMENA Trends - April 2020
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        cloud  environment,"  Gupta  said.   "What   requires  that  the lowest  latency path   needs a lower latency or different kind of
        that allows is the  application  to register   always be used. Another application may   experience,  we  can automatically  adjust
        into  the Google Cloud  Service Directory,   just  need  something that  has  very  high   the SD-WAN fabric to deliver that," Gupta
        and then  make the SLA requirements   status  availability  at  the lowest cost.   said.  "And then  similarly,  if  the network
        known and publish the APIs.  Our Cisco   That's  something  that  can  inform  our   sees issues in  a  particular task,  we  can
        Virtual Managed solution  integrates   Viptela SD-WAN solution on what path to   automatically inform the Google Cloud
        with  the  Google  Cloud  Service  Directory.   take. So these are some examples of the   Service Directory  to move the  workload
        We can  dynamically  learn about new   dynamic  automated integration we have   to another  location  so that we can take
        applications and their SLA needs and react   from  an  application  point  of  view."  By   a  different path and still  provide the
        to  those  on  the  fly.  "Those  applications   using  API  connections  between Cisco's   best experience.  "So it's  a  bi-directional
        can be different  types.  It  could  be this   Viptela-based  SD-WAN and Google's   approach that makes the network more
        application requires that all traffic, data in   cloud,  information can be collected on   application  centric, and makes the cloud
        motion, must be encrypted. Every session   each application's  needs  via  integration   environments  more network  aware, and
        we create must  be an encrypted IPSec   with Google  Cloud  Service  Directory.   network experience aware."
        session. It  could be  that this application   "Through that information, if an application

        Cisco Eyes IoT Gains with Fluidmesh Purchase

        Cisco  sought  to  strengthen  its  portfolio  of  industrial  IoT   maintain  uninterrupted  data  connections  for objects  moving
        products, announcing plans to acquire New York-based mobile   at  high speeds,  which it  said will  provide an advantage as  it
        backhaul provider Fluidmesh  Networks for an undisclosed   looks to serve mission-critical  “on-the-move” applications
        sum. The deal will give Cisco access to technology designed to   across the transportation, mining, manufacturing and industrial
                                                               segments. In a blog, SVP and GM of cloud, compute and IoT Liz
                                                               Centoni  explained  “while most  wireless solutions work  well  for
                                                               slow  moving  objects  (less  than  30km/h),  Fluidmesh’s  leading
                                                               technology  is designed  to provide zero loss of data transfer at
                                                               speeds  in  excess  of  300km/h.”  Fluidmesh  Networks  added  in
                                                               a  statement the transaction  would  help  accelerate  its  product
                                                               roadmap, offering a “new level of operational scale, the ability to
                                                               enter new verticals and geographies, and access to an impressive
                                                               enterprise customer base”. The deal is expected to close in the
                                                               fourth quarter of Cisco’s fiscal 2020 (running to 25 July), subject to
                                                               regulatory approval. Cisco said Fluidmesh Network’s employees
                                                               will transfer to its IoT business as part of the deal.

        Cisco Powers Rakuten Mobile's Inter-Network Roaming Service

        Cisco  announced another  milestone  in   Separation  architecture.  Using  this new   talent  to  bring  big  benefits  to  the  people
        its  innovative engagement  with Rakuten   technology,  Rakuten Mobile can  vastly   who rely on our networks to stay connected
        Mobile, Inc. (hereinafter “Rakuten Mobile”)   improve the service experience  for its   every day.” “Adding S10 handover between
        with  the  successful launch of  an  inter-  customers  by  enabling service continuity   Rakuten Mobile and KDDI  offers Rakuten
        network roaming service between Rakuten   for data and voice when moving between   Mobile subscribers a seamless mobility
        Mobile and KDDI mobile networks across   the  networks.  With improved service   experience  with undetected  transition
        Japan.  The  LTE  roaming  service,  defined   continuity,  Rakuten Mobile can offer a   as  they  move between  networks,” said
        by 3GPP and based on the S10 signaling   superior, uninterrupted  mobile  broadband   Jonathan Davidson, Senior Vice President
        interface standard, is  being  used within   connection  for increasing mobile video   and General Manager, Mass  Scale
        Cisco’s Virtual Ultra  Packet Core to   and app use, browsing experiences,   Infrastructure,  Cisco.  “This  functionality
        connect  to  mobility  management  entities   gaming and more. “With  the launch  of   is rare to activate between operators, and
        (MMEs)  between Rakuten Mobile and   our S10 roaming service, we are setting a   we are proud to have come together on the
        KDDI. The MMEs track relevant user data   new experience  standard for service and   vision to build, test and make this happen
        sessions to ensure smooth handover from   device continuity over multiple networks,”   in record timing. With the industry-leading
        one  operator’s  network  to  the  next.  The   said  Tareq  Amin,  Representative  Director,   cloud-delivered mobile packet core, Cisco
        data path will be managed by connecting   Executive Vice President and CTO, Rakuten   continues to redesign mobile networks to
        the KDDI  network with Cisco’s System   Mobile. “With KDDI’s collaborative support,   support the internet of the future, today.”
        Architecture Evolution  Gateway  VNF   Rakuten Mobile and Cisco are showcasing
        supporting a Control and User Plane   new ways to combine our technology and

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