Page 20 - SAMENA Trends - April 2020
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        service, LiveFire®, utilizes  real-world   Accenture’s portfolio,  and the  acquisition   skill set will be incredibly valuable to our
        cyber threats  to  identify gaps in security   furthers our mission of helping clients better   clients.”  Rich  Mahler, Ppresident  and
        processes and monitoring,  as  well  as   protect  and defend  their  organizations   CEO  of  Revolutionary  Security,  said,  “The
        staff  operations  and  technologies.  The   across  their  entire  ecosystem.”  The   opportunity to become  part  of Accenture
        results  help  organizations  prioritize  acquisition  will  provide  Accenture’s  Security  will  enable us to deliver more
        actions to mitigate cyber risks within their   clients with greater end to end solutions,   complete  solutions to our  clients  and
        enterprise.  Headquartered in the greater   particularly  regarding  more  complex  IT   expand our services to even more clients
        Philadelphia  area, Revolutionary Security   and  OT  Cybersecurity  challenges.  “High-  globally.  We’re excited  to be joining  a
        employs  90  highly  skilled  Cybersecurity   profile  and  targeted  Cyberattacks  around   leading provider in Cybersecurity services
        professionals throughout  the United   the world are putting increased attention   and look forward to working together  to
        States.  The  company,  founded  in  2016,   on  critical  IT  and  OT  security  risks,  with   help clients solve their toughest challenges
        serves a  variety of clients  in the energy,   potentially catastrophic consequences   in IT and OT security.” In March, Accenture
        manufacturing,   healthcare,   financial   if systems are hijacked,”  said Jim Guinn   agreed to  acquire Context Information
        services  and  communications  industries.    II,  who leads Accenture’s  Cybersecurity   Security, which  is the latest in a series
        “The acquisition of Revolutionary Security   business for the energy, utilities, chemical   of  acquisitions  —  including  those  of
        is another demonstration of our continued   and mining industries. “Companies often   Symantec’s Cyber Security Services, Deja
        commitment  to  invest  in  areas  to  keep   lack the necessary visibility to manage and   vu Security, iDefense,  Maglan, Redcore,
        our clients  safe  from  cyber threats,”  said   measure OT cyber risk in the same way as   Arismore and FusionX — that demonstrate
        Kelly Bissell, who leads Accenture Security   IT risk. Revolutionary Security’s extensive   Accenture Security’s  commitment to
        globally. “Revolutionary Security’s service   experience  working  with  industrial  investing in and innovating advanced
        offerings  are a perfect  complement  to   companies and their specialized technical   Cybersecurity solutions.

        Arthur D. Little Takes a Look at How
        Leading Businesses are Navigating
        Through the COVID-19 Crisis

        At  Arthur D.  Little  we  want  to   customers,  maintaining  business
        play our part in helping the world   continuity,  engaging  with
        through  the COVID-19  crisis.  We   stakeholders,  and planning  for
        felt the best way  to do this was   recovery.  We think all  business
        to facilitate sharing of knowledge   leaders should listen to what they
        and insight across the business   have to say. Although most of us
        leaders in our network, especially   are still in the depths of the crisis
        those  from critical infrastructure   and there  is  much uncertainty,
        sectors, such as telecoms, utilities   we know that  at  some point it
        and  transport,  and  in  countries/  will  end.  Defeating the virus will
        regions  furthest into the crisis,   require  an  unprecedented  degree
        such  as  Hong Kong,  Italy  and   of global solidarity and universally
        Singapore. In this special  report,   shared dedication to pursuing the
        we share insight  “hot off the   greater good at the expense of the
        press” from 25 CEOs and business   comfort  and convenience  of the
        leaders,  collected via  a  series   individual. If we succeed, the best-
        of virtual  best practice-sharing   possible  legacy  of COVID-19  will
        meetings. CEOs have shared with   be a  new  spirit of collaboration,
        us  frank  and candid feedback  on   connectedness  and community
        how their  companies have gone   that  will  benefit  society,  business
        about steering  the response,   and the economy alike
        safeguarding  employees  and

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