Page 22 - SAMENA Trends - April 2020
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        in  May  “gives  us  the right management   HBO  Max  to  be  a  “big  positive  for  our   their total monthly bill may be $15 to $20
        team to strategically position our leading   wireless business,” allowing the operator   higher than the base unlimited package…
        portfolio of brands, world-class talent and   to bundle popular content as an incentive   that ability  to generate  that additional
        rich library of intellectual property for future   for users to upgrade to its highest-priced   revenue is significant”.
        growth.” Strategy  CFO  John  Stephens,  at   unlimited  tariff.  “They  may  not  pay  for  a
        an investor conference  in March,  tipped   separate  line  item  for  that  HBO  Max,  but

        AT&T Tops US Carrier Managed                    AT&T  has  achieved  the  top  spot   carrier  managed SD-WAN sites.
        SD-WAN Leaderboard                              in the 2019 US carrier  managed   All remaining  service providers
                                                                                       are  grouped in  the Market  Players
                                                        benchmark. The annual listing from   classification  and  have  a  site
                                                        Vertical  Systems  Group named   share below 1%, this  includes
                                                        AT&T, Hughes, Verizon, CenturyLink,   global network providers that
                                                        Windstream, Aryaka  and Comcast,   manage  US customer  sites. In
                                                        as  the top seven SD-WAN service   alphabetical  order, the 2019 list
                                                        providers in the US.   Each company   includes:  AireSpring,  Bigleaf,  BT,
                                                        holds 2%  or more of installed and   CBTS, Cincinnati Bell, Cogent, Colt,
                                                        billable  carrier  managed  SD-WAN   Consolidated Communications, Cox,
                                                        customer  sites, which  the  ranking   DQE  Communications,  FirstLight,
                                                        is based on. "The US managed SD-  Frontier, Intelsat, MetTel, Neutrona,
                                                        WAN market expanded  rapidly in   NTT, Orange Business, PCCW Global,
                                                        2019  as  backlogged  orders from   PS  Lightwave,  RCN  Business,  SES,
                                                        the  prior  year  were  fulfilled  by  key   SDN  Communications,  Segra,
                                                        service providers," said Rick Malone,   SingTel,   Spectrum   Enterprise,
                                                        principal of Vertical Systems Group.   Sprint,  Syringa,  T-Systems,  Tata,
                                                        "While the  duration and depth of   Telefonica,  Telia  Carrier,  Veracity
                                                        the coronavirus economic collapse   Networks,  Virgin  Media  Business,
                                                        is  unknown,  we expect  resiliency   Vodafone, Zayo among others. Key
                                                        across bandwidth intensive VPN   findings  from  the  2019  full  year
                                                        markets, but acute vulnerability for   research show that billable US
                                                        the SD-WAN networks supporting   installations of  carrier managed
                                                        the retail  and travel verticals."   SD-WAN services increased 89% in
                                                        Following  the aforementioned  top   2019 as well a number of position
                                                        seven, the listing includes a further   changes  from  2018.  CenturyLink
                                                        five  companies  that  achieved  a   moved up to fourth position, which
                                                        Challenge  Tier  citation,  these  are   dropped Windstream from fourth to
                                                        Fusion,  GTT,  Masergy,  Meriplex   fifth  position.  Comcast  moved  up
                                                        and  TPx  –  listed  in  alphabetical   to seventh  position  from eighth  in
                                                        order.  Service providers included   2018, while Fusion dropped off the
                                                        in  the  Challenge  Tier  citation  hold   leaderboard into the Challenge Tier
                                                        between a 1% and 2% share of US   for 2019.

        AT&T Talks Up 39GHz Spectrum Position

        US telecoms giant AT&T Communications   spent around USD2.4 billion in the auction   mmWave spectrum AT&T already holds in
        has confirmed that it now holds more than   – or USD1.2  billion net of its  vouchers.   the 24GHz band, AT&T’s average spectrum
        1,040MHz  of  nationwide  millimeter  wave   The value of the FCC-issued vouchers was   depth in  the mmWave  range increased
        (mmWave) spectrum,  after  participating   determined  by  the auction  price  for the   to  more  than  1,040MHz  nationwide.
        in   the   Federal   Communications  Partial  Economic Areas (PEAs) in which   TeleGeography  notes  that  Auction  103,
        Commission’s  (FCC’s) latest  frequency   the  pre-auction  licenses  were  held.  The   which comprised spectrum  in the upper
        sale. Prior to Auction 103, AT&T acquired   licenses  AT&T  won  cover  411  PEAs  and   37GHz,  39GHz  and  47GHz  bands,  got
        379MHz  of 39GHz  spectrum  when it   the voucher  exchange  process  allowed   underway on 10 December  2019 and
        purchased FiberTower for USD207 million   AT&T to secure a ‘large, contiguous block   concluded on 5 March 2020. The auction
        in early 2018. All 39GHz licenses held by   of  spectrum’.  Indeed,  AT&T  improved  its   generated  gross  proceeds  of  USD7.6
        AT&T prior to the auction were exchanged   39GHz  spectrum  position  to  786MHz,   billion.
        for vouchers. The company subsequently   an increase of 102%. When  added to the

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