Page 16 - SAMENA Trends - April 2020
P. 16


        Etisalat Launches International Remittance Service, eWallet

        Etisalat  and  Noor  Bank  have  announced   instantly remit money to over 200 countries   app.  The use of eWallet is not contingent
        the launch of  eWallet  –  an  international   and territories  worldwide,”  said Ahmed   upon having a bank account, unlike other
        remittance service that will allow financial   Al Awadi, chairman of eWallet.  eWallet is   mobile wallet services. Customers require
        transactions between individuals  in  the   licensed and regulated by the Central Bank   only  a valid Emirates ID and a working
        UAE and 200 countries around the world.   of the UAE, and will  help UAE  residents   UAE mobile number to register for eWallet
        Digital Financial Services,  a  joint venture   with safe, convenient and flexible payment   account.
        between  telecoms  giant, Etisalat  and   solutions through  an  easy-to-use  mobile
        Noor  Bank,  today  confirmed  that  eWallet
        customers will be able transfer money to
        relatives  abroad in  real  time  without the
        need to visit a branch or go outside during
        the  Covid 19 pandemic.  Users can make
        money transfers to over 350,000 around
        the world  including to  banks,  over the
        counter  agents  and international  mobile
        wallet  operators in over 200 countries
        and territories worldwide. The offer is for
        a  limited  period  only.  “eWallet  continues
        to be an innovative solution  that uplifts
        the  way  UAE  residents  conduct  financial
        transactions today. We understand that in
        light of the current global situation, people
        are increasingly choosing to send money
        digitally from the comfort and safety of
        their homes.  As  people  work  to  support
        their family  and  loved ones across  the
        globe, we aim to enable them to safely and

                                             Mobily Take another Step on Saudization Journey

                                             via Localization of High-quality Customer Support

        Saudi telecom  operator  Mobily  and   reinvent its  processes,  infrastructures   Ericsson  Middle East  and Africa,  says:
        Ericsson have agreed on a new program to   and business  models. Our partnership   “Today’s agreement will support Mobily’s
        localize Mobily’s IT Service Support Office   with  Ericsson allows  us to develop a   drive to empower  Saudi  Arabia’s digital
        and enable the  telco  to operate it  from   highly-capable  localized team to help  us   transformation through local talent, as well
        Saudi Arabia. To support the government’s   create unique  experiences  for end-users,   as accelerate  the  deployment  of digital
        Saudization agenda, Ericsson will support   manage costs and remain competitive.” IT   services. With this partnership, Ericsson
        Mobily’s  aim  to recruit  Saudi talent for   Service Support is moving to the forefront   will  transform  Mobily’s  IT  landscape
        Front  Office  and  Technical  Services   in managed services as service providers   and support their  ambition  of providing
        Desk to facilitate high-quality customer   seek to enhance  customer  experience   superior customer experience with strong
        experiences.  In  addition, Ericsson will   with more tightly integrated  networks   capabilities in the IT space." The new team
        also  provide  operator-specific  courses   and  business  processes.  Mobily’s  will  manage  Operational  and  Business
        taught by industry experts, ranging  from   Saudi  team will  oversee  all  activities   Support Systems. Its responsibilities
        installation to integration,  deployment   typically  performed  when  running  an  IT   will  also  include  ensuring  IT  security
        and site support.  Commenting on the   environment with the support of Ericsson’s   compliance  for  Mobily’s  IT  environment,
        Saudization program, the Chief Technology   cross-domain  IT  expertise  and  an  in-  as  well as  supporting the telco in all
        Officer  at  Mobily,  Alaa  Malki  said:  “In   depth  understanding  of the challenges   future IT infrastructure projects in order to
        alignment with the Kingdom’s Saudization,   and opportunities facing service providers   deliver best-in-class services and overall
        Mobily  has  taken  significant  steps  to   today.  Ekow  Nelson,  Vice  President at   experience to Mobily customers.

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