Page 17 - SAMENA Trends - April 2020
P. 17


        Mobily to Start Offering eSIM Service

        A new agreement  has been  signed  by   Intelligence  (AI).  Eng.  Alaa  Malki,  Chief   Market at Nokia, said: “We are excited to
        Etihad Etisalat  Co. “Mobily” and Nokia,   Technology  Officer  at  Mobily,  said:   be extending our partnership with Mobily,
        covering the provision of next-generation   “Together  with  Nokia,  we  are  working  to   adding  next-generation  ICT  technologies
        telecom  technologies.  The  deal  is  in   achieve  an  advanced  ICT  infrastructure   onto  an  already  strong  layer  of  4G
        line with Saudi Vision  2030, which  aims   to boost  digital  economy  across the   infrastructure  to  drive  digitalization.  This
        to  benefit  society  by  driving  digital   Kingdom,  by taking the  economy  to the   project will allow Mobily and its customers
        transformation  and the digital economy.   next level. The deployment is set to enable   to  reap  the  benefits  of  advanced  ICT
        Nokia will support Mobily's infrastructure   further innovation and digitalization with   technologies  and deliver on the aims  of
        with a wide range of products and services   new applications and services.” Amr K. El   Saudi Vision 2030.”
        from its 5G end-to-end portfolio, including   Leithy, Head of the Middle East and Africa
        radio access, IP routing, optical networking,
        and software, as well as the Nokia service
        delivery  platform, in order to build an
        ultra-high bandwidth and  low-latency
        network. In addition, the network capacity
        will  be maximized using  massive MIMO
        antennas, whilst an expansion of Mobily’s
        backhaul capabilities will  prepare it  for a
        rapid increase for the  network  capacity.
        The  ultra-high  bandwidth,  low-latency
        network  will  enable  numerous  benefits
        to Mobily’s subscribers  as well as public
        and private sector  customers,  including
        manufacturing,  oil and gas, healthcare,
        education,  transport  and entertainment,
        by enabling the use of Virtual Reality (VR),
        Augmented  Reality  (AR)  and  Artificial

                                             Accenture, Intel  and  Sulubaaï  Environmental
                                             Foundation  Use  Artificial  Intelligence  to  Save

                                             Coral Reefs

        Accenture, Intel  and the Philippines-  But reefs are being endangered and rapidly   reef. In  addition  to being  dangerous and
        based Sulubaaï Environmental Foundation   degraded by overfishing, bottom trawling,   time-intensive, this  approach can  disrupt
        have developed  a new solution  powered   warming temperatures and unsustainable   marine life, as  divers might inadvertently
        by  artificial  intelligence  (AI)  to  monitor,   coastal development. “Project:  CORaiL  is   frighten  fish  into  hiding.  Engineers  from
        characterize and analyze coral reef   an incredible example of how AI and edge   Accenture, Intel and Sulubaaï implemented
        resiliency. The solution — the work product   computing can be used to help researchers   an artificial, concrete reef — called a Sulu-
        of  Project: CORaiL,  an  initiative  the three   monitor and restore the coral reef. We are   Reef Prosthesis (SRP) — to provide support
        organizations  created  in  2019  —  has   very proud to partner with Accenture and   for unstable coral  fragments underwater.
        been deployed in a reef in the Philippines   the Sulubaaï  Environmental Foundation   The  SRP  was  designed  by  Sulubaaï
        since  last year. Coral reefs  are some  of   on this  important  effort  to  protect our   and placed  in the reef surrounding  the
        the world’s  most  diverse ecosystems,   planet,” said Rose Schooler, corporate vice   Pangatalan  Island in  the Philippines.
        with more than eight  hundred  species  of   president in  Intel’s  sales  and marketing   Fragments of  living coral were  planted
        corals building and providing habitats and   group. A  critical element of  Project:   on it and will grow and expand, providing
        shelter  for approximately 25% of global   CORaiL  was  to  identify the number and   a  hybrid  habitat  for  fish  and  marine  life.
        marine life. The reefs also benefit humans   variety of fish around a reef, which serve   The  engineers  then  strategically  placed
        —  protecting  coastlines  from  tropical   as  an  important  indicator of  overall  reef   intelligent  underwater  video cameras,
        storms, providing food  and income  for   health.  Traditional  coral  reef  monitoring   equipped  with  the Accenture  Applied
        1 billion people, and generating US$9.6   efforts  involve human divers manually   Intelligence  Video  Analytics  Services
        billion in tourism and recreation annually.   capturing video footage and photos of the   Platform (VASP), to detect and photograph

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