Page 18 - SAMENA ELITE - October-December 2024
P. 18
Unlocking FWA’s
Potential in the
TechCo Era
Ahmed Alsharif
Chief Technology & Digital Officer
stc Bahrain
With nearly 50% of broadband users Breaking Silos: Addressing FWA’s
in the region projected to rely on EVOLVE isn’t just a Multi-Dimensional Challenges
it by 2030, Fixed Wireless Access framework; it’s a game Deploying Fixed Wireless Access
(FWA) represents one of the most (FWA) services is a complex
plan for unlocking the
promising growth areas for telecom endeavor that involves seamless
immense potential of
operators. However, scaling FWA coordination across all involved
comes with its own set of challenges: FWA. domains including wireless,
spectrum allocation, cost-effective installation, service assurance,
deployment, and delivering seamless of Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) customer care, and operations.
user experiences. Enter EVOLVE—a services. Designed to accelerate the Each team faces unique challenges:
revolutionary framework unveiled critical transition to TechCo, EVOLVE wireless departments must ensure
by STC Bahrain. For the first time, represents a bold new approach, optimal site selection, transport
the telecom industry in the Middle structured around six strategic pillars: teams manage backhaul efficiency,
East has introduced a model that Excellent Experience, Value Platforms, target the right audience for user
redefines service delivery through Operational Transformation, Leading development, while customer care
AI-driven deployment, predictive Opportunities, Value Marketing, and and operations work to provide
assurance, and hyper-personalized Effective Governance. consistent and reliable service. These
strategies. EVOLVE isn’t just a silos often lead to inefficiencies,
framework; it’s a game plan for First implementation of EVOLVE
unlocking the immense potential of framework on FWA, has showcased
FWA and future digital services. its potential to revolutionize service Leveraging tools like
deployment, service provisioning and digital twins, EVOLVE
EVOLVE: A Blueprint for the TechCo service assurance. EVOLVE is more enables hyper-
Era than a framework; it’s a vision for the
At the heart of this transformation future, where technology, customer- personalized campaigns
lies EVOLVE—a pioneering framework centricity, and operational excellence that drive ARPU and
conceptualized by STC Bahrain to converge to redefine the telecom reduce churn.
address the evolving demands landscape.