Page 14 - SAMENA ELITE - October-December 2024
P. 14
The FWA development
experience of leading
carriers worldwide shows
that while 5G FWA improves
perceived speeds,
providing diverse bundled
services is key. According
to Huawei data, more
than 80% of carriers that
provide commercial 5G
FWA offer packages that
bundle Wi-Fi mesh, video,
and gaming services. Figure 5: Traffic distribution of FWA and MBB at different times
Huawei's recommendation
while 5G FWA improves perceived Middle East, and Europe, CPE costs
for such carriers is the 1+1+X
speeds, providing diverse bundled can be dispersed through leasing or
strategy, which means
services is key. According to Huawei installment. In developing markets
one high-performance air data, more than 80% of carriers that sensitive to CPE prices, 4G and 5G
interface that improves the provide commercial 5G FWA offer coordination is needed. To generate
home broadband rate, one packages that bundle Wi-Fi mesh, higher ARPU, carriers can develop
seamless Wi-Fi coverage video, and gaming services. Huawei's entry-level users through 4G CPE with
recommendation for such carriers competitive pricing, and high-end
solution, and a variety of
is the 1+1+X strategy, which means users with 5G CPE with similar pricing
home services such as
one high-performance air interface to optical fiber solutions.
4K OTT video and cloud that improves the home broadband
gaming. rate, one seamless Wi-Fi coverage Understanding broadband IoT from
solution, and a variety of home the FWA perspective
services such as 4K OTT video and The advent of 5G has clearly
In the Middle East, more than 1 million cloud gaming. helped FWA expand from homes
5G FWA home broadband users to enterprises. For example, work
provide carriers with 30-80% higher The development of FWA services from anywhere is an FWA business
ARPU than 4G FWA. In western Europe, at scale creates requirements for scenario for SMEs that provides
5G FWA has been applied in many CPE prices. Developed markets are guaranteed connectivity, as well as
scenarios, including SMEs and RVs. less sensitive to CPE costs, and so work suites, including online meeting
business model design is more software, telephony services, and
The FWA development experience of important. In markets with fair credit 24/7 assurance services. The core
leading carriers worldwide shows that systems, such as North America, the of these services is to go beyond
connectivity and provide micro-
integrated, differentiated capabilities.
Based on its expertise gained from
around the world, Huawei has
summarized 12 private line use cases,
including SME private line and mobile
banking, which are differentiated
product portfolios based on FWA
connectivity. By July 2021, 27 carriers
had worked with Huawei to launch 5G
FWA Business services.
FWA can connect homes, enterprises,
and everything. The parcel lockers
and vending machines that can
be found everywhere are all based
Figure 6: 1+1+X wireless FWA service development strategy