Page 20 - SAMENA ELITE - October-December 2024
P. 20

        20 OCTOBER-DECEMBER 2024


             Oman's Digital

             Transformation with 5G FWA

        The Middle East region is experiencing   and as a founding member of the
        rapid digital transformation, and    SAMENA Council, Omantel aims to            Omantel was the
        as a result, the deployment and      usher in the 5G-A era by maximizing      first telecom services
        scaling of 5G FWA services are       network capabilities and enhancing
                                                                                          provider in the
        anticipated to grow. The region has   user experiences and business
                                                                                     Sultanate to introduce
        a significantly growing population,   applications.
                                                                                     a 5G network, which it
        driving the demand for digital
        services and high-speed internet     Omantel was the first telecom         announced to customers
        connectivity. Challenges such as     services provider in the Sultanate       in Oman in 2019. Prior
        infrastructure limitations and human   to introduce a 5G network, which it    to the formal launch,
        as well as physical geographies are   announced to customers in Oman
                                                                                    Omantel had introduced
        potential deterrents to accelerating   in 2019. Prior to the formal launch,
                                                                                       5G as fixed wireless
        connectivity and must be carefully   Omantel had introduced 5G as
                                                                                       access (FWA) as an
        addressed.                           fixed wireless access (FWA) as an
                                             alternative to fiber home broadband   alternative to fiber home
        Omantel’s continuous investment      connections. In view of higher         broadband connections.
        in 5G infrastructure and technology   customer experience requirements
        reaffirms its dedication to providing   and the low speed of xDSL, as well
        value for its customers. It has also   as the high maintenance cost of the   installation, and achieving faster
        played a key role in enabling the    copper network, Omantel decided to   scalability and business expansion
        company to continuously grow its     explore the potential of using 5G FWA   throughout Oman’s diversified
        5G traffic and provide enhanced      to provide reliable speed in areas of   geography. Using radio links between
        services. Omantel provides extensive   the Sultanate where fiber connectivity   two fixed points to deliver ultra-
        network coverage, capacity           was non-existent or altogether       high-speed broadband to homes
        optimization, and attractive 5G data   absent.                            and businesses in suburban and
        plans to deliver industry-leading                                         rural areas where fiber has not yet
        services for its customers.          Key challenges that Omantel aimed    been laid was a natural solution.
        Omantel is now preparing to leverage   to overcome included fulfilling    Currently, fiber remains an important
        5G-A to enhance its offerings. As    customer demand for higher           elemental addition to the connectivity
        Oman's first and leading integrated   internet speeds at home, reducing   landscape, albeit with a slower rate of
        telecommunications provider,         the time and cost of fiber service   expansion.

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