Page 15 - SAMENA ELITE - October-December 2024
P. 15


                                                                                   FWA can connect homes,
                                                                                 enterprises, and everything.
                                                                                     The parcel lockers and
                                                                                  vending machines that can
                                                                                  be found everywhere are all
                                                                                  based on Cat4 broadband
                                                                                    connections. Broadband
                                                                                    connectivity integrates
                                                                                   both narrowband IoT (NB-
                                                                                   IoT) and high-bandwidth
                                                                                   5G NR. In terms of IoT, the
                  Figure 7: Broadband IoT application scenarios and required rates  value of connectivity for
                                                                                  NB-IoT generally accounts
        on Cat4 broadband connections.       continuation of 4G connectivity.       for less than 10% across
        Broadband connectivity integrates    Regarding the connectivity scenarios   the industry value chain.
        both narrowband IoT (NB-IoT) and     and their value, the following         Most of the value lies in
        high-bandwidth 5G NR. In terms       conclusions can be drawn:
        of IoT, the value of connectivity for   •  ToC services connect people, and   devices, platforms, and
        NB-IoT generally accounts for less     have a large number of users and            applications.
        than 10% across the industry value     high value.
        chain. Most of the value lies in     •  FWA home connectivity is a type
        devices, platforms, and applications.   of broadband IoT with a massive     fixed private lines as a reference,
        This conclusion is in line with the need   user market. Carriers must design   but must adapt it to wireless
        for FWA enterprise connectivity to     services based on wireless           features. Currently, enterprise
        move upstream by providing micro-      characteristics, and the core of     services with high symmetric uplink
        integration. Carriers should consider   these services is to adapt busy-    and downlink rates (≤ 50 Mbit/s)
        developing integration capabilities    hour rates to users' service needs.  are not recommended.
        that match value distribution along   •  The business model for most     •  Critical IoT and industrial IoT are
        the industry value chain.              Massive IoT services, including      both high-value scenarios. They
                                               NB-IoT and Cat1/Cat4 connectivity,   are differentiated 5G capabilities
        5G's main advantage over 4G            is retailing SIM cards and charging   superior to 4G and are key
        is support for ultra-low latency       by traffic, which generates low      capabilities for application in
        and ultra-high bandwidth, which        ARPU.                                vertical industries. They can
        enables two types of high-value      •  As a type of broadband IoT,         contribute to the high-value
        IoT toB scenarios: Critical IoT and    FWA enterprise connectivity is       monetization of connectivity.
        industrial automation IoT. These       a high-ARPU scenario. Carriers
        scenarios require high reliability and   have started to incubate this   Unlimited value of network slicing:
        low latency, as well as support for    scenario at scale, but they must   WAN toB from the FWA perspective
        features such as 5G LAN and clock      be able to integrate and provide   From a geographical point of view,
        synchronization. Massive IoT and       differentiated services. For business   connectivity can be divided into
        broadband IoT are essentially a        model design, carriers can use    WANs and LANs. WAN connectivity
                                                                                 is based on MBB networks with
                                                                                 nationwide coverage, whereas LAN
                                                                                 connectivity is based on local area
                                                                                 networks. FWA falls within the scope
                                                                                 of WAN connectivity. While the
                                                                                 biggest challenge facing WAN FWA is
                                                                                 the impact of multi-service networks
                                                                                 on the toC service experience, the
                                                                                 biggest challenge for WAN toB
                                                                                 services is balancing the impact of
                                                                                 multi-service networks on the toC
                                                                                 service experience.
                        Figure 8: Four types of IoT connectivity scenarios

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