Page 21 - SAMENA ELITE - October-December 2024
P. 21


          Over the years, Omantel
          has emerged as a global
            leader in the rollout of
          5G Fixed Wireless Access
             (FWA), achieving an
           impressive growth rate
           in 5G FWA connections.
             Three years after the
           launch, 5G represented
           92 percent of all its FWA

        Over the years, Omantel has emerged
        as a global leader in the rollout of
        5G Fixed Wireless Access (FWA),      Wireless Access (FWA) Working       the socio-economic development of
        achieving an impressive growth rate   Group set up by SAMENA Council, "5G   Oman. At Omantel, we are committed
        in 5G FWA connections. Three years   Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) has     to enhancing the quality of life
        after the launch, 5G represented 92   revolutionized the delivery of high-  through greater access to cutting-
        percent of all its FWA connections.   speed broadband across the         edge technologies. Our leadership in
        Since the launch, Omantel’s share of   Sultanate, particularly in underserved   5G technology, combined with the
        the wireless home broadband (HBB)    rural areas where traditional       most extensive telecommunications
        market has tripled.                  broadband infrastructure is both    network in Oman as well as the most
                                             challenging and costly to implement.   innovative business solutions that we
        From 2017, when customer demand      By offering a cost-effective and    offer to our partners, position us
        for higher speeds first emerged, to   scalable solution, 5G FWA can be   uniquely as the unrivaled technology
        2019, when the operator introduced
        the Sultanate's first 5G mobile
        network, Omantel has built a thriving      Omantel’s 5G FWA rollout success is among the
        5G service portfolio. It has upgraded     world’s leading FWA success stories. This success
        its 5G FWA offerings and speeds,
                                                     can be attributed to three key factors: timely
        making 5G FWA the preferred choice
                                                     decision-making and the ability to deliver on
        for all new FWA connections in Oman.
                                                  customer demand for higher speeds, efficient and
        Omantel’s 5G FWA rollout success is       quality deployment of outdoor customer premises
        among the world’s leading FWA              equipment, and business offerings aligned with
        success stories. This success can be                      customer preferences.
        attributed to three key factors: timely
        decision-making and the ability to
        deliver on customer demand for       rapidly deployed to bridge the digital   leader. We are currently exploring the
        higher speeds, efficient and quality   divide, supporting emerging       potential to further enhance our FWA
        deployment of outdoor customer       technologies such as IoT, Smart Cities,   offering with 5G mmWave technology,
        premises equipment, and business     and environmental sustainability    aimed at elevating the customer
        offerings aligned with customer      initiatives. This technological     experience for both households and
        preferences. In the words of Aladdin   advancement not only promotes     businesses across Oman. By driving
        Abdullah Bait Fadhil, Chief          economic growth by enabling         innovation and fostering economic
        Commercial Officer at Omantel, and   businesses to expand but also       development, Omantel continues to
        Rotating Chairman, leading the       improves access to essential services   be at the forefront of digital
        Service Innovation Working Group’s   like education and healthcare and   transformation in the region."
        activities within the main Fixed     other vital sectors which contribute to

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