Page 16 - SAMENA ELITE - October-December 2024
P. 16

        16     OCTOBER-DECEMBER 2024

        How does FWA balance the
        experience of multiple services
        and reduce the impact on the toC
        service experience? The solution
        is to use the FWA Suite tool to
        perform evaluation before service
        provisioning by evaluating signal
        quality in real time where the services
        are provisioned, and calculating the
        required resources based on the
        spectral efficiency of the air interface.
        QoS resource scheduling can set
        the upper limit of resources usable
        by FWA. The toC service experience
        can be ensured using priority-based
        scheduling during congestion. Given             Figure 9: QoS PRB control solution for multi-service networks
        the limited air interface capabilities,
        the essence of this solution is to     toB service provisioning. Doing so
        allocate resources appropriately and   can avoid resource preemption      FWA is a solution positioned
        achieve basic slicing of air interface   that compromises consumer        somewhere between wired
        resources.                             service experience. Soft slicing      and wireless networks,
                                               based on QoS scheduling priorities
        The recommended method to              is more secure.                      and a crossover product
        balancing the multi-service          2.  Hard slicing applies to these         for both homes and
        experience on a WAN is as follows:     scenarios: occupation of a small       enterprises. FWA can
        If resources are limited, split the    number of resource blocks (RBs),    involve both narrowband
        limited resources for toC, toH, and toB   temporary hard slicing (released   and wideband IoT, and
        services. Then deploy and optimize     upon exhaustion), and hard slicing    evolves from 4G to 5G.
        wireless pipes to accommodate          within a small geographic area        Huawei works to make
        multiple services. If spectrum         (toC hot areas should be avoided).
        resources are sufficient and user    3. Hard slicing on a dedicated        FWA the ultimate last mile
        development is expected to be          network that is isolated from        for home and enterprise
        positive, dedicated networks can       toC resources does not need         broadband and facilitate
        be deployed for new services. For      to consider its impact on toC         the appropriate use of
        example, TDD spectrum can be used      service experience. This will        both wired and wireless
        to deploy FWA toH/toB dedicated        maximize toB service experience.        technologies in IoT,
        networks.                              5GtoB dedicated LANs support
                                               demanding IoT and industrial IoT,   enabling FWA to be applied
        E2E slicing is a key capability to meet   and are superior to WANs in this     in more scenarios.
        differentiated service requirements    regard.
        of different industries using WAN
        toB services such as speed           The key to all types of connectivity   wireless networks, and a crossover
        acceleration, security isolation, and   carried on a wireless network is to   product for both homes and
        service assurance. The following     build pipes with sufficient bandwidth.   enterprises. FWA can involve both
        FWA guidelines can be used as a      Only a road that is wide enough     narrowband and wideband IoT, and
        reference for WAN slicing:           can accommodate a large number      evolves from 4G to 5G. Huawei works
        1.  Absolute hard slicing should     of vehicles through shared lanes,   to make FWA the ultimate last mile for
          be used with caution on WANs.      dedicated lanes, and tidal lanes. This   home and enterprise broadband and
          Before toB service provisioning,   type of road enables more options   facilitate the appropriate use of both
          it is recommended that you use     and a greater vision of the future.  wired and wireless technologies in IoT,
          the FWA Suite tool to evaluate the                                     enabling FWA to be applied in more
          resources needed by users before   FWA is a solution positioned        scenarios.
                                             somewhere between wired and

        This article was originally published in HuaweiTech.

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