Page 18 - SAMENA ELITE - Jan-Mar 2024
P. 18

        18     JAN-MAR 2024


             Zain KSA's 5G FWA

             Achievement: A Journey of

             Innovation and Success

        Zain KSA has left an indelible mark   5G services, establishing a robust
        on the history of telecommunica-     and comprehensive foundation for a       In 2023, the company
        tions through its pioneering 5G Fixed   wide range of offerings to individuals   continued to grow its
        Wireless Access (FWA) services. The   and enterprises.
                                                                                     network, extending its
        company took a bold step into this
                                                                                  coverage to 64 cities. These
        transformative journey, setting a    Toward the end of 2020, Zain KSA’s
                                                                                   achievements positioned
        milestone by introducing commer-     commitment to expansion mani-
        cial 5G services in October 2019. By   fested in a significant growth of its   Zain KSA as a global leader
        becoming the first entity in Saudi   network footprint. The coverage      in 5G deployment, securing
        Arabia to wholeheartedly embrace     sprawled across 41 cities, now for-   the 4th spot amongst the
        this cutting-edge technology, Zain   tified by a staggering 4,000 towers.
                                                                                    largest 5G deployments
        KSA secured its position at the fore-  This expansive reach ensured that a
        front of innovation and catalyzed    substantial portion of the Saudi pop-
        a paradigm shift in the nation’s     ulation could seamlessly access their
        telecom landscape. This article      high-speed services.                 to scale its enterprise offerings and
        delves into the successful account of                                     support Saudi Vision 2030’s digitali-
        Zain KSA’s 5G FWA success, meticu-   The far-reaching coverage and net-   zation journey and the transition to a
        lously dissecting the key factors that   work efficiency have been a corner-  digital economy.
        have contributed to and played a     stone in the company’s success story,
        pivotal role in propelling its remark-  attracting a diverse customer base   Meanwhile, in line with its strategy to
        able ascent within the dynamic tele-  from both urban metropolises and    leverage technology for sustainabil-
        communications industry.             remote rural areas.                  ity, Zain KSA is championing green
                                                                                  technology innovation and has
        Expansive Coverage: A Pillar of      In 2023, the company continued to    announced several related initiatives.
        Success                              grow its network, extending its cover-  In collaboration with Red Sea Global,
        Zain KSA’s remarkable success in 5G   age to 64 cities. These achievements   Zain KSA is working on the world’s
        FWA is the outcome of its bold vision   positioned Zain KSA as a global   first zero-emission 5G network in the
        to prepare Saudi Arabia's digital    leader in 5G deployment, securing    Red Sea and has already installed
        infrastructure to power a digital    the 4th spot amongst the largest 5G   innovative sustainable towers at
        economy and society.                 deployments worldwide.               Ummahat Island. The company plans
        In a well-planned strategic maneu-                                        to spearhead green ICT infrastructure
        ver, the company embarked on its     Strategic multi-dimensional growth   development with energy-efficient
        journey in 2019, launching commer-   In addition to the low-latency 5G    hardware and software solutions
        cial 5G services with a sweeping net-  connectivity, Zain KSA was the first   alongside its partner, Huawei.
        work covering 27 cities and featuring   telecom operator globally to provide
        2,600 towers. This laid the ground-  5G carrier aggregation and later     While placing 5G at the heart of its
        work for a vertical expansion of their   launched 5G Stand-Alone technology   business services ecosystem and

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