Page 15 - SAMENA ELITE - Jan-Mar 2024
P. 15


                                                     Omantel's 5G

                                                     Home Wireless

                                                     Broadband Tri-

                                                     umph: Unleashing

                                                     5G Connectivity’s

          Aladdin Baitfadhil
          Chief Commercial Officer
          Omantel                                    Full Potential

        Oman Telecommunications Com-         base of over 100,000 FWA subscrib-   underserved due to infrastructure
        pany (Omantel) is the leading        ers & covered 90% of households      limitations. By the close of 2022, 5G
        telecommunications provider in       in Oman with 5G, underscoring the    had swiftly emerged as the dominant
        sultanate of Oman. It made waves in   rapid adoption of their 5G services.   force in wireless traffic, handling a
        2019 with the commercial launch of   This early success not only demon-   remarkable 60% of the total wireless
        its 5G services. Among the standout   strated the market's hunger for high-  traffic, surpassing all other existing
        achievements was the introduc-       speed and reliable home internet but   wireless networks in the region.
        tion of Home Internet through Fixed   also showcased Omantel's ability to   The remarkable achievement of
        Wireless Access (FWA), positioning   meet these demands.                  5G handling 60% of wireless traffic
        Omantel as a pioneer in bringing 5G                                       speaks volumes about its efficiency,
        connectivity to households. In this   2. 5G Dominance in Wireless Traffic
        article, we look at Omantel’s journey   The impact of 5G on Omantel's wire-
                                                                                    Omantel’s success with
        of using 5G to empower its custom-   less landscape was nothing short
        ers and reap financial rewards from   of transformative. In its endeavor to    5G FWA stands as a
        5G at the same time as it bridged    lead the wireless connectivity space,   compelling case study
        the gap between demand for high      Omantel’s 5G FWA services not only       in the transformative
        speed broadband from new areas       ensured widespread coverage but
                                                                                   power of next-generation
        and challenges of traditional fixed   also delivered comparable band-
        technologies.                        width to traditional fiber, offering
                                             speeds of up to 1Gbps. The parity
        1. Early Success and User Adoption   in bandwidth with fiber technology   reliability, and the widespread adop-
        The launch of home broadband         made Omantel’s 5G FWA services       tion of Omantel’s 5G FWA services.
        fixed wireless access (FWA) using 5G   a compelling choice, as it provided   By providing comparable speeds
        provided a new way to access high    comparable high-speed connections    and efficiently handling the majority
        speed broadband for homes which      without the need for labor-inten-    of wireless traffic, Omantel’s 5G FWA
        were earlier connected by old tech-  sive fiber deployment, especially in   services set a new benchmark in the
        nologies serving very low speeds or   regions where fiber installation was   region’s telecommunications land-
        not connected at all. The new alter-  technically challenging or financially   scape. This achievement solidified
        native provided by 5G thus instantly   impractical. This strategic decision   their position as a trailblazer in deliv-
        became a technology of choice for    allowed Omantel to swiftly bridge    ering next-generation, high-speed,
        public. By the end of 2022, Omantel   connectivity gaps and cater to areas   and reliable internet connections via
        had amassed an impressive user       that might have otherwise remained   5G FWA.

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