Page 13 - SAMENA ELITE - Jan-Mar 2024
P. 13


        The revamped value-proposition offered by du was anchored
        in the superior capabilities of 5G technology, providing sub-  Role of 5G FWA in Fulfilling National
        scribers with unparalleled speed and reliability. Recognizing   Broadband Visions
        the evolving landscape of consumer preferences, du bun-
        dled its 5G service with a curated selection of popular OTT
                                                                      •  One of the critical policy challenges, is to
                                                                        harness market forces to promote conver-
                                                                        gence or equalization in living standards
              By deploying advanced multi-carrier
                                                                        between villages, cities, and towns. This is
           aggregation technology in its commercial                     particularly true of larger markets of the
               wireless network, the Operator has                       SA-ME-NA region.
           brought about noticeable shift in network                  •  Policymakers and regulators may acceler-
            speeds and user experience for its Home                     ate fulfillment of their broadband develop-
           wireless services (FWA) portfolio, marking                   ment plans by implementing strategies for
                                                                        broader economic areas that integrate cities
             a new milestone for other operators in
                                                                        with their surrounding rural areas.
           the SA-ME-NA region as well neighboring                    •  Predictable, stable and efficient policies
                  regions, such as Central Asia.                        and regulations are critical for ensuring that
                                                                        Telecom Operators have enabling environ-
                                                                        ments and incentives to extend broadband
        platforms such as OSN, Disney+, and Amazon Prime. This
                                                                        coverage to underserved areas.
        comprehensive package not only addressed the need for
                                                                      •  There is an industry consensus that digital
        fast internet but also tapped into the increasing demand for
                                                                        inclusion (which fundamentally refers to
        diverse and premium content. Moreover, du added further
                                                                        reasonable broadband penetration rate and
        value by including a specialized internet calling pack, cater-
                                                                        data service access), must be increased
        ing to the growing importance of seamless communication.
                                                                        around the world, dramatically. While various
        This strategic integration of advanced technology, premium
                                                                        approaches can tackle the challenges of
        content, and enhanced communication services formed a
                                                                        connecting the unconnected, FWA may be
        compelling value proposition, justifying a premium price point.
                                                                        the optimal and most cost-effective way
        In targeting a market segment willing to pay for this enhanced
                                                                        forward to fulfill this vision of digital inclusion.
        and bundled experience, du not only solidified its position as
                                                                      •  To ensure market access for 5G FWA (or
        a technological leader but also demonstrated a nuanced
                                                                        even 4G FWA) Operators, it is important to
        understanding of consumer needs and preferences. This for-
                                                                        establish a legal and regulatory framework
        ward-thinking approach not only retained existing subscribers
                                                                        that is fully transformed to cater to new
        but also attracted a new audience seeking a comprehensive,
                                                                        broadband development and digital-in-
        high-quality internet and entertainment solution.
                                                                        clusion requirements, and not hindered by
                                                                        legacy rules. For example, there should be no
        Customers are increasingly choosing du’s Home Wireless for
                                                                        limits on the number of independent service
        its speed, convenience, and competitive pricing, reflecting
                                                                        providers permitted to provide 4G/5G FWA
        the product’s tremendous success.  This reflects a notable
                                                                        services to consumers.
        achievement in the telecom industry for du.
                                                                      •  Governments should include 4G/5G FWA
                                                                        into their national broadband plans, and it is
        Home Wireless product has proven that wireless connectiv-
                                                                        essential to introduce a strategy or specific
        ity can be a viable and attractive alternative. By deploying
                                                                        goal on FWA solutions for hard-to-reach
        advanced multi-carrier aggregation technology in its com-
                                                                        areas. National broadband-development
        mercial wireless network, the Operator has brought about
                                                                        plans should recognize FWA as an essential
        noticeable shift in network speeds and user experience for
                                                                        element for providing broadband access to
        its Home wireless services (FWA) portfolio, marking a new
                                                                        rural, remote or geographically-challenged
        milestone for other operators in the SA-ME-NA region as well
        neighboring regions, such as Central Asia.
                                                                      •  Governments of the SA-ME-NA region should
                                                                        leverage FWA in those areas where Fiber-
        du launched its FWA services in the UAE in 2021, which quickly
                                                                        to-the-Home technologies are not feasible.
        became popular among users. du’s contributions were also
                                                                        Moreso, they should enable and encourage
        recognized by SAMENA LEAD award for Fastest 5G FWA Experi-
                                                                        FWA deployment with innovative offerings in
        ence. On the other hand, e& was recognized in the last
                                                                        areas where there is extensive fiber presence
        SAMENA LEAD awards for its leadership as Outstanding Digital
                                                                        as well – as observed in the case of the UAE.
        Transformation Enabler. Both Operators are integral to sus-
        tainably building the UAE’s digital future.
                                                                                                        SAMENA ELITE
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