Page 16 - SAMENA ELITE - Jan-Mar 2024
P. 16

        16     JAN-MAR 2024

        3. Strategic Partnerships for        traditional infrastructure deployment   connectivity; it significantly impacted
        Enhanced Services                    was impractical, addressing connec-  their financial performance, highlight-
        In their pursuit of enhancing 5G FWA   tivity gaps and enhancing accessibil-  ing the substantial growth derived
        services, Omantel strategically forged   ity for a broader demography.   from their foray into 5G services.
        partnerships with influential industry
        players such as Zain KSA and Nvidia.   This strategic decision to rely on   During the first half of 2020, following
        This collaboration marked a signifi-  5G technology not only showcased   the launch of their 5G FWA service,
        cant leap forward, paving the way for   Omantel’s adaptability but also   Omantel witnessed a remarkable 8.1%
        the introduction of GeForce Now for   demonstrated 5G technology’s       growth in home broadband revenue
        home broadband customers, signifi-   capability to provide robust        when compared to the same period
        cantly elevating the value proposition   connectivity solutions in diverse   in 2019, when the 5G FWA service had
        of their 5G FWA offerings.           geographical landscapes. In areas   not yet been introduced. This surge in
                                             where the deployment of fiber posed   revenue served as tangible evidence
        The introduction of GeForce Now—a    significant hurdles, 5G emerged as   that the integration of 5G technology
        leading global cloud gaming plat-    the preferred technology, offering   had a direct and substantial positive
        form opened doors to a whole new     reliable, high-speed internet access   impact on the company’s financial
        realm of entertainment for their home   and effectively addressing the   performance.
        broadband customers. This strategic   connectivity gaps, thereby meeting
        collaboration showcased Omantel’s    the demands of consumers in regions   The continued success and tangible
        agility and adaptability in recognizing   where traditional infrastructure   benefits of their 5G investment were
        and fulfilling the evolving needs of   installation was a challenge.     further underscored in 2022, as
        their consumer base.                                                     Omantel’s FWA segment revenue
                                             5. Global Collaborations for Service   saw a staggering year-on-year jump
        By integrating GeForce Now into      Innovation                          of 143%. This exponential growth
        their offerings, Omantel showcased   Omantel's forward-looking approach   within the FWA segment served
        a foresighted approach to meet the   to 5G is further emphasized by      as a testament to the substantial
        increasing demand for cloud-based    an Memorandum of Understand-        financial impact of their 5G offerings.
        gaming experiences. This move not    ing (MoU) with LG U+, a pioneering   The substantial financial growth
        only bolstered their service portfolio   Korean operator renowned for its   derived from their 5G investment
        but also positioned them as a front-  cutting-edge services in the realm of   further solidifies the success and
        runner in providing comprehensive,   5G, particularly in Augmented Reality   positive impact of Omantel’s
        innovative, and immersive digital    (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) services.  strategic move to venture into 5G
        experiences beyond conventional                                          technology, showcasing not only its
        connectivity.                        This collaboration between Oman-    transformative effect on connectivity
                                             tel and LG U+ aimed to explore and   but also its direct and substantial
        The strategic partnerships with Zain   introduce new experiences over 5G,   contribution to the company’s
        KSA and Nvidia reinforced Omantel’s   focusing on advanced services such   financial prosperity.
        commitment to offering diversi-      as AR and VR. LG U+’s standing as an
        fied and value-added services. The   industry frontrunner in developing   Omantel’s success with 5G FWA
        collaborative efforts underlined the   innovative 5G services positioned   stands as a compelling case study in
        company’s adaptability and respon-   them as an ideal partner for Omantel   the transformative power of
        siveness to the ever-evolving digital   to further enrich the customer experi-  next-generation connectivity. From
        needs of their consumers, enabling   ence in Oman.                       early adoption and strategic partner-
        them to stand out as a provider that                                     ships to financial growth and global
        extends beyond traditional tele-     By aligning with LG U+, a leader    collaborations, Omantel’s journey
        communications services, embrac-     known as a global innovator if 5G ser-  highlights how 5G can be a game-
        ing entertainment, gaming, and       vices, Omantel showcased its com-   changer for telecommunications
        advanced digital experiences.        mitment to staying at the forefront   operators. It not only provides reliable
                                             of technological advancements and   connectivity but also opens avenues
        4. Overcoming Infrastructure Chal-   enriching the customer experience in   for innovation and growth, proving
        lenges                               Oman.                               especially valuable in addressing
        In regions where deploying fiber was                                     challenges posed by diverse geo-
        technically challenging and finan-   6. Financial Growth through 5G      graphic and demographic land-
        cially unviable, Omantel's strategic   Investment                        scapes. As Omantel continues to lead
        decision to embrace 5G as the tech-  The investment in 5G infrastructure   the way, its experience serves as an
        nology of choice proved prescient.   proved to be a catalyst for financial   inspiring model for operators world-
        This approach allowed the operator   success. Omantel’s investment in    wide navigating the ever-evolving
        to extend its services to areas where   5G technology didn’t just transform   landscape of telecommunications.
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