Page 19 - SAMENA ELITE - Jan-Mar 2024
P. 19


        supporting enterprises to harness    These transformative innovations    Zain KSA’s transformative journey
        automation efficiencies, Zain KSA    are a testament to Zain KSA’s com-  into the dynamic realm of 5G FWA
        is equally dedicated to enabling     mitment to differentiating itself from   stands as a testament to the pro-
        individual customers to realize the   the competition. By incorporating   found impact of two key pillars:
        lifestyle-enhancing benefits of high-  cutting-edge services and pioneer-  expansive network coverage and a
        speed internet, all within an eco-   ing partnerships, the company not   steadfast commitment to contin-
        conscious framework.                 only met but exceeded consumer      uous innovation. In this pioneering
                                             expectations, establishing its 5G FWA   venture, Zain KSA has not merely
        Adding Value Through Bundled         services as a comprehensive and     offered high-speed internet but has
        Services                             desirable choice for a discerning and   successfully generated value through
        Zain KSA elevated innovation by      diverse consumer base.              the strategic bundling of services
        significantly enhancing its home                                         such as streaming, cloud gaming,
        wireless broadband offerings, mark-  Family Offer                        and family convergence packages.
        ing a paradigm shift in the industry.   Zain KSA displayed its commitment   This multi-faceted approach has
        Expanding into adjacent markets, the   to innovation by introducing family   set an influential precedent, setting
        company ingeniously introduced a     bundles featuring family offers. This   a new standard for comprehensive
        diverse array of bundled services to   visionary approach went beyond    telecommunications offerings and
        its subscribers, strategically incorpo-  conventional offerings, providing   empowering the community to lead a
        rating popular streaming platforms   families with comprehensive and     digitally enhanced lifestyle.
        such as OSN and Shahid into their    cost-effective packages that seam-
        packages. This forward-thinking      lessly integrate both home broad-
                                                                                   Zain KSA’s transformative
        move addressed the burgeoning        band and mobile services. This
        demand for entertainment, making     innovative convergence simplified     journey into the dynamic
        Zain KSA’s 5G FWA packages irresist-  the user experience and enhanced      realm of 5G FWA stands
        ibly appealing to a broad spectrum of   cost savings, creating a compelling   as a testament to the
        consumers.                           value proposition for consumers.       profound impact of two
                                             The strategic implementation of
                                                                                      key pillars: expansive
        Beyond these strides, Zain KSA       family bundles marked a significant
                                                                                    network coverage and a
        achieved the milestone of being the   leap for Zain KSA, transcending the
        first in the region to align with the   boundaries of traditional service   steadfast commitment to
        GeForce NOW (GFN) Alliance forged    provision through a consolidated and   continuous innovation. In
        by Nvidia. In 2022, the company      interconnected service model. The      this pioneering venture,
        launched PLAYHERA MENA eSports to    inherent convenience and financial     Zain KSA has not merely
        cater to the region’s growing mar-   advantages embedded in these
                                                                                  offered high-speed internet
        ket of gaming enthusiasts. These     bundles became a key driver of Zain
                                                                                      but has successfully
        groundbreaking ventures positioned   KSA’s increasing appeal, cementing
        Zain KSA as a trailblazer, offering   its position as a customer-centric   generated value through
        its customers a diverse portfolio of   telecommunications provider.         the strategic bundling of
        high-quality games.                                                       services such as streaming,
                                                                                   cloud gaming, and family
                                                                                    convergence packages.

                                                                                 Zain KSA’s successful rollout of
                                                                                 accessible high-speed connectivity
                                                                                 and applications to direct consumers
                                                                                 ties into the company’s overarching
                                                                                 goal of providing a complex ICT
                                                                                 ecosystem for individuals and enter-
                                                                                 prises in the Kingdom to empower a
                                                                                 knowledge-driven society and a
                                                                                 digital economy. The versatility and
                                                                                 seamless delivery of these offerings
                                                                                 demonstrate the transformative
                                                                                 power of pairing strategy and inno-
                                                                                 vation with an unwavering commit-
                                                                                 ment to enhance lives and foster
                                                                                 growth for all.
                                                                                                        SAMENA ELITE
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