Page 21 - SAMENA ELITE - Jan-Mar 2024
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        More than 150 operators              all and how advanced that network is   up 270% from 41 in Nov 2021. 5G FWA
        already offer 5G FWA services        from a technology perspective; and   accounts for 40% of launched 5G
        In GSA’s FWA Market reports, the GSA   whether its rivals have introduced   services, up significantly from 19% in
        Research team is collecting data     a FWA service. Where one operator   Oct 2022.
        about services delivered using indoor   introduces a FWA home broadband
        and outdoor CPE and focuses on FWA   service, its rivals often quickly follow.  When it comes to tariff structures,
        services delivered using 4G LTE and                                      more than 52% of LTE FWA services
        5G technologies. In our latest edition   Looking at 5G FWA specifically, with   are volume-based tariffs, in
        of November 2023, 477 operators      more than 50% of 5G commercial      comparison with just over 19% of LTE
        were identified as providing a total   operators also offering FWA services,   service providers offering speed-
        of 587 LTE and 5G FWA services in    FWA is the undisputed N°1 use case   based tariff structures and just 13.5%
        175 countries (up 11% YoY). This is   for 5G after mobile broadband. In   offering both. The difference is less
        expected to keep growing as 678 LTE   fact, 192 operators were investing in   marked with 5G tariff structures
        or 5G FWA services are being invested   5G FWA with 152 operators having   where 20% of service providers
        in by 554 operators worldwide across   already launched 5G FWA services,   promote structures based only
                                                                                 on speed and 25% based only on
                Figure 1 - Number of operators investing in LTE FWA by sub-region  volume. Although many operators
                                                                                 promote “unlimited” usage, in fact,
                                                                                 the great majority is restricted:
                                                                                 by limiting speed after a certain
                                                                                 threshold, by fair use policies, or
                                                                                 by limiting “unlimited” offers to a
                                                                                 maximum, albeit large, level of data
                                                                                 usage. GSA identified 45 operators
                                                                                 with 5G packages being promoted
                                                                                 with tariff package options that
                                                                                 appear truly unlimited.

                                                                                 Operators are often vague when
                                                                                 they talk about the FWA speeds
                                                                                 their customers should expect,
                                                                                 sometimes providing theoretical
                                                                                 maximum speeds. Nonetheless, GSA
                                                                                 collected information about the
                                                                                 fastest download speeds quoted
                           Source – GSA FWA Market report, November 2023
                                                                                 by operators for their FWA services
        187 countries, an increase of 38
                                                     Figure 2 - Number of operators investing in 5G FWA by sub-region
        from the last update. The number of
        operators delivering FWA services
        using LTE or 5G varies widely by
        region, as Figure 1 and Figure 2 show.
        There are more operators marketing
        FWA services in Europe than any other
        region, closely followed by the Middle
        East and Africa.

        An operator’s decision to offer FWA
        services will depend on various
        factors: how well covered with fixed-
        line broadband services the country
        or territory is; whether there are
        many remote regions with little to no
        broadband availability; whether that
        operator provides a fixed network at

                                                                Source – GSA FWA Market report, November 2023

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