Page 22 - SAMENA ELITE - Jan-Mar 2024
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        22     JAN-MAR 2024

        where data was available. The        The major highlight from the 2023   had millimeter-wave-capable
        maximum speeds promoted for LTE      edition was that 5G FWA CPE         products in their portfolio (higher
        FWA services range from 1 Mbps to    shipments more than doubled         than the 15% a year ago) while 26%
        2.5 Gbps. For 5G FWA, speed data     to 7.4 million (+111% YoY) in 2022   of the companies were planning to
        has become more readily available    and were forecasted to increase     introduce millimeter-wave-ready
        showing its importance as a strategic   again to 13.8 million (+86%) in 2023,   products. Respondents were also
        differentiator. Quoted 5G FWA peak   representing 43% of 2023 device     asked about when they expect the
        download speeds ranged from 10       shipments (vs 29% in 2022). Although   prices of 5G CPE to reach those of 4G
        Mbps to 5,400 Mbps, with more than   a smaller proportion of 5G shipments,   currently. Consistent with the previous
        half of them sitting in the 250 Mbps   millimeter-wave-capable device    years, the majority of respondents
        to 2,700 Mbps range. The average     shipments more than doubled in      see this happening by 2025.
        5G FWA maximum download speed        2022 to 0.45 million and are expected   In terms of form factor, total
        identified by GSA was 1,059 Mbps,    to grow more than 70% in 2023 to    shipments of 4G-5G FWA indoor and
        up significantly from 875 Mbps in    0.77 million units. In fact, of the 27   outdoor CPEs were expected to climb
        November 2022.                       vendors surveyed, 30% already       31% in 2023 to almost 25 million units,

                                 Figure 3 - Marketed maximum download speeds – 4G FWA vs 5G FWA

                                              Source – GSA FWA Market report, November 2023

        The report also covers research       Figure 4 - Shipments of 5G-enabled devices, millions of units, and year-on-year growth
        on other areas including service
        portability and types of FWA device
        used (indoor CPE vs outdoor CPE).

        5G FWA CPE shipments are on
        the rise
        Looking specifically at the FWA device
        ecosystem side of things, the GSA
        4G-5G FWA Forum has conducting
        its annual FWA CPE market survey
        since 2021. Our 3rd edition (https://
        access-survey-2023/) was released
        in September 2023 and presented the
        aggregate answers of 27 CPE vendors
        among our members that together
        form a significant representation of
        the 3GPP-based 4G/5G FWA device
                                                Source – GSA 4G-5G FWA Forum’s “FWA CPE market survey 2023”, Sample: 25 respondents in 2021,
                                                                        26 in 2022 and 27 in 2023
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