Page 12 - SAMENA ELITE - Jan-Mar 2024
P. 12

        12     JAN-MAR 2024


             Making FWA-Broadband

             Possible in a Fiber-Broadband

             Dominated Market

        Transformation of home wireless      Huawei, and has achieved 98.5% 5G    a significant turning point in their
        connectivity through fixed wireless   population coverage across the UAE.   journey as the product differentiation
        offerings is on the rise in the UAE; a                                    was moved from “Technology
        market that ranks at number one for   du's introduction of the Fixed Wireless   position” base to “Value-proposition
        the highest Fiber to the Home (FTTH)   Access (FWA) service has marked a   base”. With 5G, du enhanced data
        penetration at more than 98%, which   pivotal moment in the UAE's home    speeds and reduced latency,
        exceeds penetration levels in highly   internet market. In a landscape    ensuring an even more remarkable
        fiberized markets of Asia Pacific.   dominated by triple play packages,   user experience. This move laid the
                                             the absence of options catering to   groundwork for targeting a premium
        Etisalat UAE, the telecoms pillar of the   individuals seeking, for example,   market segment that values a
        e& Group and a globally-recognized   standalone home internet for OTT     comprehensive and high-speed
        enabler of digital transformation in   content consumption was glaring.   internet experience.
        the region, has consistently been a   Recognizing this untapped market,
        leading force in FTTH penetration in   du strategically positioned itself by
                                                                                     du's introduction of the
        the country, setting a benchmark in   crafting a unique value-proposition
        the global telecom industry.         tailored to meet the specific needs of   Fixed Wireless Access
                                             this underserved segment.            (FWA) service has marked
        Given that the UAE is known for its                                           a pivotal moment in
        advanced telecommunications and      By providing a dedicated home inter-
                                                                                    the UAE's home internet
        fiber infrastructure, for other play-  net solution at an affordable cost, du
                                                                                     market. In a landscape
        ers, especially du, this has, however,   not only addressed a critical gap in
                                                                                    dominated by triple play
        posed a unique challenge in innova-  the market but also demonstrated a
        tion and differentiated offerings.   keen understanding of evolving con-    packages, the absence
                                             sumer preferences. The success of        of options catering to
        Industry observations indicate that   this value-proposition was not merely   individuals seeking, for
        overcoming the preference for        in creating a new service but in fun-
                                                                                  example, standalone home
        fiber-optic connections in a mar-    damentally changing the dynamics
                                                                                    internet for OTT content
        ket like the UAE has required du to   of the home internet industry.
                                                                                   consumption was glaring.
        strategically position the advan-
        tages and innovations of its wireless   du's ability to identify and fulfill the   Recognizing this untapped
        solution, ensuring it addressed the   unmet needs of a niche audience       market, du strategically
        needs and expectations of customers   not only garnered a loyal customer   positioned itself by crafting
        accustomed to reliable fiber broad-  base but also set a precedent
                                                                                  a unique value-proposition
        band. This is for an operator, which   for adapting to shifting market
                                                                                  tailored to meet the specific
        has already launched a 5G Stand-     demands. In February 2022, du
                                                                                   needs of this underserved
        alone (SA) network, brought to life the   made a strategic move to upgrade
        world's first 5G-Advanced demon-     their Home Wireless product to 5G               segment.
        stration Villa in collaboration with   technology. This transition marked

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